Mar 03, 2025
MUSI 132 - Aural Skills in Music I This course is divided into two components: Ear Training and Sight Singing. Ear Training includes harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic dictation as well as aural identification of major and minor scales, melodic intervals up to and including an octave, and triads. Sight Singing includes singing short melodies at sight, major and minor scales, intervals up to and including an octave, triads, and tapping or reciting rhythmic exercises. 1 hour. Meets two days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.
Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 130 - Music Analysis I (Music Analysis I) is required unless MUSI 130 has already been successfully completed. Credits: 1 When Offered: Summer
* This course counts toward the 63-credit Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
** The Group Music Course Fee applies to this course.
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