Sep 27, 2024  
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 [Archived Catalog]


  • MATH 511G - Numerical Analysis

    The propagation of errors in computing, solution of linear systems of equations, solution of nonlinear equations, approximation of functions, numerical quadrature, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.

    Prerequisite: MATH 300.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 515 - Complex Variables I

    An introduction to complex variables including sequences, series, continuity, analytic functions, Cauchy’s Theorems, residues, poles, conformal mapping, and analytic continuation.

    Prerequisite: MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MATH 515G - Complex Variables I

    An introduction to complex variables including sequences, series, continuity, analytic functions, Cauchy’s Theorems, residues, poles, conformal mapping, and analytic continuation.

    Prerequisite: MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 521 - Partial Differential Equations

    Theory and application of quasi-linear equations of first order, series solutions, Cauchy-Kovalesky theorem, characteristics, canonical form, principle of superposition, equations of mathematical physics: the Laplace, wave, and heat equations.

    Prerequisite: MATH 365.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MATH 521G - Partial Differential Equations

    Theory and application of quasi-linear equations of first order, series solutions, Cauchy-Kovalesky theorem, characteristics, canonical form, principle of superposition, equations of mathematical physics: the Laplace, wave, and heat equations.

    Prerequisites: MATH 365
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 530 - Topics in Mathematical Modeling

    Selected topics in mathematical modeling.

    Prerequisites: MATH 365 and MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MATH 530G - Topics in Mathematical Modeling

    Selected topics in mathematical modeling.

    Prerequisites: MATH 365 and MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 564 - Advanced Linear Algebra

    Vector spaces, linear transformation, linear functionals, eigenvalues, reduced forms of systems of equations, selected applications of linear algebra.

    Prerequisite: MATH 357.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MATH 564G - Advanced Linear Algebra

    Vector spaces, linear transformations, linear functionals, eigenvalues, reduced forms of systems of equations, selected applications of linear algebra.

    Prerequisite: MATH 357.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 603G - Topics in Algebra

    Selected topics in algebra. May be repeated for credit up to 6 hours.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 604G - Topics in Geometry

    Selected topics in geometry. May be repeated for credit up to 6 hours.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 605G - Topics in Analysis

    Selected topics in analysis. May be repeated for credit up to 6 hours.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 608G - Management of Instruction

    Prerequisite: Admission to the MAE program.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 621G - Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations

    A survey of existence theorems, uniqueness theorems, qualitative properties, and stability.

    Prerequisites: MATH 365 and MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 631G - Advanced Topics in Mathematical Modeling

    Selected advanced topics in mathematical modeling.

    Prerequisites: MATH 530G and consent of instructor.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 632G - Principles of Applied Mathematics I

    Hilbert space theory, operator theory, and integral equations.

    Prerequisites: MATH 357, MATH 365, and MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 633G - Principles of Applied Mathematics II

    Green’s functions, generalized functions, boundary value problems, spectral theory of second-order differential equations.

    Prerequisite: MATH 632G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 635G - Advanced Numerical Analysis

    Numerical solution of systems of ordinary differential equations, numerical solution of partial differential equations, convergence and stability analysis.

    Prerequisite: MATH 511G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 640G - Topology I

    Point set topology concepts: includes cardinality, closure, compactness, connectedness, continuity, homeomorphism, metric space, separation, sequence, subspace, and selected topics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 461.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 641G - Topology II

    Tychonoff Theorem, Urysohn’s Lemma and Metrization Theorem, Stone-Cech Compactification, Nagata-Smirnov Metrization Theorem, complete metric spaces, pointwise and compact convergence, compact-open topology, Ascoli’s Theorem, and selected topics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 640G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 666G - Abstract Algebra I

    A study of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields.

    Prerequisite: MATH 451.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 667G - Abstract Algebra II

    A study of field extensions including Galois Theory; selected topics from rings, groups, or modules.

    Prerequisite: MATH 666G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 671G - Real Variables I

    The theory of functions of a real variable.

    Prerequisites: MATH 461
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 672G - Real Variables II

    General measure and integration theory.

    Prerequisite: MATH 671G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MATH 676G - Complex Variables II

    A continuation of MATH 515G.

    Prerequisite: MATH 515G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MDST 300 - Mideast Archaeological Dig and Study Tour

    Through firsthand exposure to representative sites of Mideastern antiquity, through hands-on participation in an archaeological dig, and through interaction in the cultural, social, and political milieu of the Mideast, students gain knowledge, experience, and insight into major lines of a 5000-year historical development that shaped the culture and religious traditions of an area that is pivotal to an understanding of the western world.

    Credits: 6 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • MDST 510G - Bethsaida Archaeological Dig and Israel Study Tour

    Through first-hand exposure to representative sites in Israel, through hands-on participation in an archaeological dig, and through interaction in the cultural, social, and political milieu of a critical part of the Middle East, students gain knowledge, experience, and insight into major lines of a 5000-year historical development that shaped the culture and religious traditions of an area that is pivotal to an understanding of world history and current affairs.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • MEX 510 - Communication Disorders Experience in Mexico

    This course will be conducted in Mexico and will give Communication Disorders students an opportunity to work with Spanish speaking populations.  The focus of learning will be on relevant issues in Communication Disorders, practice in school settings or with adults, work with Spanish speaking families, and learning about the cultures in Mexico.

    Prerequisites: Completion of CMDS 380: Principles of Clinical Management
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MEX 510G - Communication Disorders Experience in Mexico

    This course will be conducted in Mexico and will give Communication Disorders students an opportunity to work with Spanish speaking populations.  The focus of learning will be on relevant issues in Communication Disorders, practice in school settings or with adults, work with Spanish speaking families, and learning about the cultures in Mexico.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • MS 100 - Introduction to Military Science I

    MS 100 provides an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the United States Army, leadership principles, basic health issues and the importance of appropriate physical activity. Students will be required to learn and execute basic military skills and develop an understanding of a balanced personal health and fitness program. Basic classroom instruction will be reinforced through weekly leadership laboratories. Students are required to participate in weekly physical fitness training, and take a Leadership Laboratory with this course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course along with MS 101 fulfills the Personal Well-Being Essential Skill of the Liberal Studies Program.
  • MS 101 - Introduction of Military Science II

    MS 101 introduces students to map reading, survival techniques, preventive medicine, substance abuse prevention, and continued leadership experiences. Basic classroom instruction will be reinforced through weekly leadership laboratories. Students are required to participate in weekly physical fitness training and take a leadership laboratory with this course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course along with MS 100 fulfills the Personal Well-Being Essential Skill of the Liberal Studies Program.
  • MS 125 - Ranger Challenge

    Ranger Challenge is the national ROTC “Varsity” team competition that tests mental and physical endurance and teamwork. Ranger Challenge offers eight weeks of training covering eight separate events. The events are the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), orienteering, one-rope bridge, weapon assembly/disassembly, grenade assault course, weapons firing, small unit patrolling, and a 10 kilometer road march. Students will train 14.5 hours per week and four of the eight weekends, in preparation for the final Ranger Challenge competition. This course is only offered during the fall semester. This course may be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1 hour
  • MS 200 - Perspectives in Leadership I

    Emphasis is on developing leadership skills and self-confidence. Students learn and practice leadership techniques and study communication skills, human behavior, motivation, counseling, and general principles of organizational and individual leadership. Students also study American Military History from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War. Enrollment is limited to those students who have completed or received credit for MS 100 and MS 101. Students are required to participate in weekly physical fitness training and to take the Leadership Lab with this course. Students are required to take the Army Physical Fitness Test.

    Prerequisites: MS 100 and MS 101, which may be taken concurrently.
    Credits: 2 hours
  • MS 201 - Perspectives in Leadership II

    Emphasis during this course is on the continued practice and refinement of leadership skills. Students also learn effective military writing and speaking. Students are introduced to the Army’s concept of ethics and values. Enrollment limited to students who have completed or received credit for MS 200. Students are required to participate in weekly physical fitness training and to take a Leadership Lab with this course. Students are required to take the Army Physical Fitness Test.

    Prerequisites: MS 100, 101 and MS 200 (MS 101 may be taken concurrently).
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • MS 300 - Military Leadership Development

    MS 300 is a leadership practicum in management decision-making and problem-solving in small group situations. Emphasis is placed on basic military leadership and tactical and technical skills development. The mandatory lab enables students to apply military skills learned in prior classes and leadership labs and prepare for the Leadership Development and Assessment Course. Map reading and military communications practical exercises are also conducted. The military aspects of the Civil War through the Spanish-American War are also studied. Successful completion of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and participation in Field Training Exercises and leadership lab are required.

    Prerequisites: MS 100, 101, 200, 201 or Basic Camp.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MS 301 - Advanced Leadership Development

    Students learn the leader’s role in directing and coordinating individual and small unit efforts to execute offensive and defensive tactical missions. Tactics, combat support, and troop leading procedures are also studied, as well as the American military involvement in World War I. Successful completion of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) participation in Field Training Exercises and leadership labs are required. The mandatory Leadership Lab will allow practical application of skills learned in class.

    Prerequisite: MS 300.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MS 302 - Advanced Leadership Practicum

    A five-week practical training exercise in a field training environment at a military installation to train, develop, demonstrate, and assess leadership capabilities. Required for all Cadets prior to being commissioned. Successful completion of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), Land Navigation Course, and leadership performance evaluation is required for practicum credit. Students are paid for this experience.

    Prerequisite: MS 301.
    Credits: 6 hours
  • MS 303 - Special Topics: Leadership Assessment Program

    Designed to determine the viability of using U.S. Army leadership assessment techniques and procedures for use in assessing student leadership on a University-wide basis.

    Prerequisite: Basic Course Credit.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MS 305 - Battle Analysis

    Students learn the “Staff Ride” methodology and develop critical thinking, briefing and writing skills used in a formal analysis of a military battle. This course satisfies the mandatory Army ROTC training requirement.

    Credits: 1 hour
  • MS 400 - Seminar: Leadership and Management

    Advanced leadership skills, counseling, personal management, command and staff functions, training management, written and oral communications, and military skills are emphasized. The U.S. Army role in World War II and Korea are also examined. The required Leadership Lab complements classroom instruction and emphasizes practical application of course topics while students function as leaders in the cadet battalion. Successful completion of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and participation in Field Training Exercises and leadership labs are required.

    Prerequisite: MS 301.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MS 401 - Advanced Seminar: Leadership and Management

    This capstone Military Science experience is designed to assist students with the transition to duty in the Active Army, Army Reserve or National Guard. Emphasis is on professional and personal ethics, personal financial planning, the military logistic systems, and Military Law. The U.S. involvement in Vietnam, the Cold War, Desert Storm, and the future role of the U.S. Army in support of national policy are also studied. Successful completion of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and participation in Field Training Exercises and leadership labs are required.

    Prerequisite: MS 400.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • MUSI 127 - Pre-MAE Seminar

    Designed to explain, and review MAE program requirements, monitor exploratory observations, and provide an introduction to the profession. A prerequisite for ED 389 and ED 393.

    Credits: 0 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    Music major Music Education course.
  • MUSI 130 - Music Analysis I

    Study of the language of music. Basic materials, structures, and procedures of the art of sound. Study of compositional practices in excerpts from musical masters of the common practice period. Meets three days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 132 (Aural Skills in Music I) is required unless MUSI 132 has already been successfully completed.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 131 - Music Analysis II

    Continuation and amplification of material of MUSI 130 (Music Analysis I). Chord vocabulary through secondary dominants. Introduction to part writing, and advanced musical terminology. Original writing projects. Meets three days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Prerequisite: MUSI 130. Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 133 (Aural Skills in Music II) is required unless MUSI 133 has already been successfully completed.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 132 - Aural Skills in Music I

    This course is divided into two components: Ear Training and Sight Singing. Ear Training includes harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic dictation as well as aural identification of major and minor scales, melodic intervals up to and including an octave, and triads. Sight Singing includes singing short melodies at sight, major and minor scales, intervals up to and including an octave, triads, and tapping or reciting rhythmic exercises. 1 hour. Meets two days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 130 (Music Analysis I) is required unless MUSI 130 has already been successfully completed.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 133 - Aural Skills in Music II

    This course is a continuation of MUSI 132 (Aural Skills in Music I) and is divided into two components: Ear Training and Sight Singing. Ear Training includes more complex harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic dictation as well as aural identification of inverted triads, harmonic intervals up to and including an octave, and seventh chords in root position. Sight Singing includes singing melodies that contain more difficult skips and modulations to closely related keys, tapping or reciting more complex rhythmic exercises, and singing ascending and descending intervals up to and including an octave. 1 hour. Meets two days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Prerequisite: MUSI 132. Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 131 (Music Analysis II) is required unless MUSI 131 has already been successfully completed.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 134 - Composition, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 135 - Composition, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 142 - Class Lessons in Voice

    Vocal fundamentals, repertoire, and phonetics. May be repeated once for credit. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 145 - Chorus

    Non-auditioned ensemble with focus on literature for large chorus. Major works prepared and performed frequently with orchestra. Previous vocal or instrumental experience strongly recommended. May be repeated for credit. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 146 - Orchestra

    Ensemble experience for students who play orchestral instruments. One of the two weekly rehearsals is held in the evening. By audition. May be repeated for credit. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 147 - Ensemble

    May be repeated for credit. 1) Brass Choir. A performance study of brass literature. By audition. 2) Woodwind Choir. Performance of literature composed or arranged for this medium. By audition. 3) Jazz. Performance and study of American Jazz, including improvisation of jazz orchestration. By audition. 4) Percussion Ensemble. Performance of literature composed or arranged for this medium. By audition. 5) Chamber Ensemble. Chamber music and small ensemble experience. By audition. 6) Franklin Street. Repertoire ranges from jazz and country to gospel and show tunes. Frequent performances on and off campus. By audition. 7) Opera Chorus. Performance in staged opera productions as a chorus member. By audition. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour each ensemble
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 148 - Band

    Marching Band and Concert Band are organized at various times throughout the year to serve their proper function. May be repeated for credit. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 149 - Cantoria

    Advanced mixed choral ensemble with frequent local and regional performances. Study of repertoire from Renaissance to present with special emphasis on diverse range of a cappella literature and on stylistically informed performance. May be repeated for credit. By audition. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 150 - Lyric Diction I

    Language pronunciation for the vocalist. Emphasizes proper vocal pronunciation of Italian and English with a minimum of grammar and construction. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
  • MUSI 151 - Lyric Diction II

    Language pronunciation for the vocalist. Emphasizes proper vocal pronunciation of German and French with a minimum of grammar and construction. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
  • MUSI 153 - Basic Keyboard Skills I

    Beginning piano for music majors with fewer than 6 months of piano study. Includes functional skills and repertoire. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 154 - Basic Keyboard Skills II

    Continuation of MUSI 153. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 155 - Voice, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 156 - Voice, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 157 - Voice, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of nine hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music BM major.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 158 - Piano, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 159 - Piano, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 160 - Piano, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music BM major.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 161 - String Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 162 - String Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 163 - String Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music BM major.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 164 - Harpsichord, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 165 - Harpsichord, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 170 - Brass Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 171 - Brass Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 172 - Brass Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music BM major.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 173 - Woodwind Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 174 - Woodwind Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 175 - Woodwind Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music BM major.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 176 - Percussion Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 177 - Percussion Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one hour of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of six hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music major.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 178 - Percussion Instruments, Lower Division

    Private music lessons. Student receives one-half hours of instruction per week and is required to practice a minimum of three hours weekly. Credit may be repeated. An additional charge is made for private music lessons, and is payable at the time of enrollment. Current fees are available from the Business Office.

    Prerequisite: music BM major.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 181 - Guitar for the Elementary Teacher

    Basic techniques of playing, with an emphasis on use in elementary school. Music major Music Education course.

    Credits: 1 hour
  • MUSI 202 - Jazz History and Appreciation

    Introduction to jazz style in performance, musical logic of jazz, and the literature and contributions of jazz in American culture. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Credits: 2 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 204 - Perspectives in Music: Art Music in Western Thought

    This course examines the phenomenon of music by considering aesthetic theory in relationship to musical perception and by developing skills in aural analysis of musical structures and styles. Although the classical canon of art music is the central focus of this course, a wide variety of musical styles and genres–including music of non-Western cultures–is often drawn upon as points of reference. Issues of aesthetic sensitivity, personal experience, understanding of social context, and recognition of a variety of cultural/historical references are also components of this course. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic: Fine Arts Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 205 - Perspectives in Music: World Musics

    Music exists in all societies and is a basic activity of human life. This class will investigate music in several of the world’s cultures developing an understanding of musical style, aesthetic viewpoints of differing cultures, and the function which music fulfills in these diverse societies. The study will not only encounter new musical expressions but also the philosophies and world view which accompany them. In addition, this class will develop a vocabulary for effective musical description and analysis. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic: Fine Arts Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 206 - Perspectives in Music: Hollywood and Broadway

    Focus on outstanding composers and landmark music of Hollywood and Broadway. Emphasis on development of listening abilities, and music as a potent dramatic element. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic: Fine Arts Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 207 - Perspectives in Music: Jazz and the American Experience

    This course examines the phenomenon of jazz music by considering aesthetic theory in relationship to musical perception, and by developing skills in aural analysis of musical structures and styles. Issues of aesthetic sensitivity, personal experience, understanding of social context, and recognition of a variety of cultural/historical references are also components of this course. In addition, jazz will be examined in an historical and cultural context. Its development from the 1890’s to the present will be discussed, and distinctions will be made concerning the development of various styles and genres. Its impact upon American culture, especially the issues of race, gender, and social status, will be analyzed in depth. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic: Fine Arts Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 208 - Perspectives in Music: Liberal Arts

    An exploration of the relationship between music and other disciplines, including but not limited to, literature; anthropology; psychology; mathematics; physics; the visual arts; and drama. This course is designed for any student, regardless of musical background.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • MUSI 209 - Perspectives in Music: The Liberal Arts

    This course explores the relationship between music and other disciplines, including, but not limited to, literature; history; anthropology psychology; philosophy; mathematics; physics; the visual arts; and theatre.  Perspective in Music-The Liberal Arts is designed for any student, regardless of musical background. This course may be used to partially fulfill the requirement for a Minor in Music.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic: Fine Art Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • MUSI 230 - Music Analysis III

    Study of musical styles and structure through analysis and part-writing. The course will emphasize concert repertoire of the 18th and 19th Centuries, particularly repertoire featuring chromatic harmonic constructs, and/or exemplifying large-scale or polyphonic musical forms. Meets three days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Prerequisites: MUSI 131 and music major. Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 232 (Aural Skills in Music III) is required.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 231 - Music Analysis IV

    Study of musical styles, trends, and techniques found in the concert repertoire of the late 19th and 20th Centuries, with an emphasis on formal analysis. Introduction to folk and “classical” music of non-Western cultures. Meets three days per week.

    Prerequisites: MUSI 230 and music major. Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 233 (Aural Skills in Music IV) is required. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course in conjunction with MUSI 233.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 232 - Aural Skills in Music III

    Further development of skills in Ear Training and Sight Singing. Meets 2 days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Prerequisites: MUSI 133 and music major. Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 230 (Music Analysis III) is required.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 233 - Aural Skills in Music IV

    Further development of skills in Ear Training and Sight Singing, including work in non-tonal and contemporary music. Meets 2 days per week. Music major Music Theory, Literature, and History course.

    Prerequisites: MUSI 232 and music major. Concurrent enrollment in MUSI 231 (Aural skills in Music IV) is required.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course in conjunction with MUSI 231.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 245 - String Instrument Class I

    Elementary string instrument performance techniques, teaching methods, and materials. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 246 - String Instrument Class II

    Advanced string instrument performance techniques, teaching methods, and materials. Music major Applied Music course.

    Prerequisite: MUSI 245.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 247 - Percussion Instrument Class I

    Performance techniques for percussion instruments, with emphasis on the snare drum. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 248 - Brass Instrument Class I

    Elementary brass instrument performance techniques, teaching methods, and materials. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 249 - Brass Instrument Class II

    Advanced brass instrument performance techniques, teaching methods, and materials. Music major Applied Music course.

    Prerequisite: MUSI 248.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 250 - Woodwind Instrument Class I

    Elementary woodwind instrument performance techniques, teaching methods, and materials. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 251 - Woodwind Instrument Class II

    Advanced woodwind instrument performance techniques, teaching methods, and materials. Music major Applied Music course.

    Prerequisite: MUSI 250.
    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 253 - Basic Keyboard Skills III

    Early intermediate piano for music majors with one to three years of piano study. Includes technique, functional skills, and repertoire. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 254 - Basic Keyboard Skills IV

    Continuation of MUSI 253. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • MUSI 257 - Percussion Instrument Class II

    Performance techniques for percussion instruments, with emphasis on mallet instruments and the tympani. Music major Applied Music course.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.

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