Feb 06, 2025  
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 [Archived Catalog]

Academic Policies and Procedures

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Foreign Language



Students are expected to enroll in a foreign language course at the appropriate level. Before their arrival on campus, freshmen who have had previous experience in a foreign language are required to take a placement examination online; details are mailed to them with registration materials. On-campus students who wish to enroll in a foreign language in which they have had previous experience must report to the Edwin C. Carpenter Language Learning Center (MC 305) in order to receive additional information regarding the placement examination.

Students may enroll for credit only in the course in which they have been placed. Students with three years or more of high school coursework in a foreign language will not be allowed to enroll for credit in the first semester of the elementary level in that language, regardless of placement results. Such students may choose to audit the first semester of the elementary level or any higher course they have bypassed through placement. No self-placement is permitted. Placement test results must be followed. Only the instructor of the course in which the student is placed is in a position to revise this placement. Students should consult their advisors for their placement level. 

Non-traditional students merit special consideration, since they have taken off one year or more from formal study after graduation from high school. Such students who have taken three or more years of one foreign language in high school and who wish to continue their study of the same language will not be barred from taking the first semester of an elementary course in that language if they are so placed, unless the last year of such study was within the last four years. If the last year of their high school foreign language experience was that recent and yet they still score in the lowest range on the placement test, they too are encouraged to audit the first semester but will not be permitted to take it for credit.


Admission to the University automatically qualifies all non-native English-speaking undergraduate international students for a waiver of the foreign language requirement for the Liberal Studies Program and for the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree. This waiver does not apply to major requirements.

Native English-speaking students placing into a foreign language at a level higher than that required by their degree program may fulfill their foreign language requirement in any of the following ways: 1) take the course in which they are placed even though it is at a higher level than required, and by successfully completing this course fulfill the foreign language requirement; 2) take the appropriate waiver examination in those languages which offer an on-campus exam, and by passing this examination fulfill the foreign language requirement, but no credit will be granted; 3) take the CLEP exam for French, German, or Spanish, and if an appropriate score is earned, the student may waive the foreign language requirement. University credit will be granted, depending on the score earned by the student.


Truman complies with the State of Missouri’s law on American Sign Language satisfying foreign language requirements. While Truman does not offer ASL, courses in ASL taken at other Missouri institutions can be transferred in as foreign language credit.

Class Load


The unit of academic credit at Truman State University is the semester hour. A semester hour is based on 15 hours of structured contact time. An academic year commonly consists of 30 to 34 semester hours. A typical class carries 3 semester hours credit. The terms semester hour and credit hour are synonymous.

The normal class load for the semester is 15-17 semester hours. Twelve credit hours must be taken to be considered a full-time student for financial aid and other purposes. Students employed in outside work should make necessary adjustments in the number of hours they attempt to carry. It is recommended that the class load be reduced by 2 to 3 semester hours for each 12 hours of outside work undertaken per week. A veteran must be enrolled for 12 semester hours as an undergraduate to receive maximum benefits.

The maximum standard class load for fall and spring semesters is 17 semester hours. The maximum standard class load for the summer term is 9 semester hours. The maximum standard class load for an interim session is one course or workshop. Students desiring to enroll in more than the maximum standard class load should have either a 3.0 GPA for the semester (excluding summer school) immediately preceding the semester in which the overload is desired or a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. The student must obtain the permission of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to carry an overload. Additional tuition costs are incurred by taking an overload.

Course Numbers


Courses are numbered to include the level at which the course is generally recommended; i.e., 100- and 200-level courses would usually be completed during the freshman and sophomore years, and 300- and 400-level courses would usually be completed during the junior and senior years. The 500 classification indicates courses of graduate performance level which may be completed by seniors who meet the graduate performance standards demanded in the course.

Registration Procedures & Regulations


In no case is credit allowed in any course for which the student is not duly registered. Registration is not complete until all fees have been paid.


Students are not allowed to add full-semester or block courses after the published deadline except in extraordinary circumstances. In those circumstances, the student must submit an Add/Drop Form signed by the instructor, the academic advisor and the Department Chair of the course. After the fourth week of classes, the approval of the Dean of the School in which the course is housed is also required. (Students may add second block courses prior to the start of these courses with their advisor’s signature only.) If approved, the student must process the Add/Drop Form through the Registrar’s Office. A $50 per day processing fee will be charged for changes initiated by the student after the first five days of the semester (or the equivalent period of time for summer and special sessions). A student may not drop a full-semester course and take the same one as a block course in the same semester.


Students who initially enroll after the first day of classes are limited to a schedule with a reduced number of semester hours. No late registrant may enter a class after the first week of classes without consent of the instructor, advisor, and Department Chair of the course. After the fourth week of classes, the approval of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is also required. Normally, students may register for no more than 14 semester hours during the first three days of classes and no more than 12 hours during the fourth and fifth days of classes. Except in extraordinary circumstances, students may not enroll after the first five days of classes.


Changes in class schedule should be made during the specified “Drop and Add Period” (prior to or during the first five days of the semester or the equivalent period of time for summer and special sessions).

Students dropping individual courses on or after the first day of the semester are not entitled to a reduction in enrollment fees for that semester.

Students should consult with their academic advisor before making any changes to their course schedules.

A $50 per day processing fee will be charged for changes initiated by the student after the first five days of the semester (or the equivalent period of time for summer and special sessions). Failure to follow the proper procedure will result in assignment of a grade of “F.”

If a course is dropped before the end of the fourth week, it will not appear on the student’s transcript. If a course is dropped between the end of the fourth week and the normal drop deadline (tenth week) a grade of “W” will be placed on the student’s transcript. Individual full semester courses cannot be dropped after the tenth week of the semester. See the schedule of classes for exact dates. Any drops after the schedule change deadline must be approved by the Academic Standards Committee. If this approval is granted, the instructor of record for the course will be asked to assign a “W” or a “WF” grade. A grade of “WF” will be calculated in the grade point average.

Courses other than a full academic semester of fifteen weeks (e.g., block or summer courses) will have a “W” assigned if dropped after the first quarter of the courses, and a “W” or “WF” assigned if dropped after the first two thirds of the courses.


Some specialized courses require permission of the instructor and the Department Chair before a student may enroll.  Additionally, students not meeting the prerequisites, co-requisites and/or other requirements to enroll in a course may request a waiver from the Department Chair with responsibility for that course. The Department Chair has the authority to issue the waiver and permit the student to enroll.

Grades and Grade Point Average


Grades are expressed in letters, with equivalents as follows:

A   Superior   4 honor points
B   Above Average   3 honor points
C   Average   2 honor points
D   Below Average   1 honor point
F   Failure   0 honor points
WF   Withdrew Failing   0 honor points

The following grades do not affect a student’s grade point average (GPA):

W   Withdrew
P   Pass
AU   Audit
Y   Credit earned in a credit/no credit course
Z   No credit earned in a credit/no credit course
IC   Incomplete
IP   In Progress
T   Test Credit
NC   No Credit (generally assigned to laboratory courses)

To compute the GPA, the total earned honor points are divided by the total semester hours attempted.


Undergraduate students who attain a semester GPA of 4.0 are named to the President’s List and undergraduates who attain a semester GPA of 3.50-3.99 are named to the Provost’s List for that semester, provided the following conditions are met: 1) complete at least 12 semester hours fall or spring semester (or 9 hours in the summer term), and 2) receive no grades of F, WF, or IC for that semester or term. Students making the list are notified via mailed announcements from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Some Truman courses have a Pass/Fail grading system instead of “A” to “F” grading. Primary examples of Pass/Fail courses include Truman Week and some internships. Students receive either a “P” (Pass) or “F” (Failure) grade. The “F” grade is calculated in the student’s grade point average.


To provide students the opportunity to broaden their experiences, Truman allows students to enroll in a limited number of classes on a Credit/No Credit basis. Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office to document selection of this grading option. The following Credit/No Credit guidelines apply.

  1. A student may complete “free elective” classes using the Credit/No Credit grading option. “Free electives” are those courses that are not used to fulfill requirements in the Liberal Studies Program, in the student’s major program (including required support), in the additional foreign language component for the BA, in the additional science component for the BS, minor requirements, departmental honors requirements, or honors scholar requirements. A student may not elect the Credit/No Credit grading option in courses that cannot be used as “free electives” (COMM 170, ENG 190, MATH 156, MATH 157, MATH 186, and STAT 190). Required English courses for international students may not be taken as Credit/No Credit.
  2. A student may complete a course that is being used to fulfill the writing-enhanced requirement, the Missouri Statute requirement, the 40 required hours of 300+ level undergraduate coursework, and/or the cumulative hour requirement using the Credit/No Credit grading option if that course is not being used to fulfill any other requirements in the student’s program.
  3. Credit standing is achieved by a “D” grade or above, while failing a course results in No Credit.
  4. A student may take up to five (5) hours per semester as Credit/No Credit. Upper classmen may request a waiver to take two courses (up to 8 hours) in a single semester. The request must be submitted in writing to the Provost’s Office, MC 203.
  5. Up to 12 credit hours of Credit/No Credit may be counted toward graduation.
  6. A student may change to or from a Credit/No Credit grading system by the last day allowed to drop the course.
  7. With a Credit standing, the student will receive credit for the course, and recognition of passing the course will appear on the student’s transcript.
  8. With a No Credit standing, the student will not receive credit for the course though the student’s transcript will show that the student attempted, yet no credit was received, for the course.
  9. Courses taken under the Credit/No Credit grading option will not affect the student’s grade point average.
  10. Courses taken under the Credit/No Credit grading option cannot be repeated.
  11. During the semester, only the student, the student’s advisor, and the Registrar’s Office will know that the student is taking the course on a Credit/No Credit basis.

All students should consult their advisors prior to deciding to take any course Credit/No Credit.

Pre-Education students are advised that professional education courses cannot be taken Credit/No Credit. Students planning to pursue the MAE degree should contact the Certification Office in the Department of Education for specific information.

Courses taken Credit/No Credit do not fulfill requirements for load considerations by the Veterans Administration if the final grade assigned is No Credit.


A student may audit a class for no credit only on the approval of the instructor. Regular fees and enrollment procedures are required. However, the student will not be permitted to take the final examination and no credit hours earned nor any indication of the level of performance will appear on the transcript entry. Audit enrollments do not fulfill requirements for load considerations by the Veterans Administration, and they may not be applied toward the determination of full-time or part-time status.

Students auditing a course are expected to make a commitment to their education by attending classes regularly. If the auditing student fails to meet the regular attendance requirement as defined by the instructor, the instructor will notify the Registrar to record a “W” on the final grade report.

Students who initially enroll in a course for credit may be permitted to change their enrollment to audit during the free add-drop period of the semester.

During the term that a course is being audited, the audit cannot be changed to graduate or undergraduate credit. However, the student may enroll in the same course for credit during a subsequent semester. Coursework must be completed during the semester that credit is earned.


An Incomplete is to be awarded only when extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control (i.e., illness, military service, hardship, or death in the immediate family) have impeded the timely completion of requirements for a class. In order to receive a grade of “IC” (Incomplete), an agreement must be made between the student and instructor and its terms described in the “Incomplete Agreement” form. The form must be signed by both the student and the instructor and submitted to the Department Chair of record for the course for approval. A student receiving a grade of Incomplete is allowed a certain period of time (determined by the instructor, but no longer than the end of the subsequent fall or spring semester), in which he or she must complete the course requirements to receive credit. If the requirements are not met in that period, the grade will become what has been predetermined by the instructor and specified on the IC Agreement form. All IC grades must be resolved prior to graduation.


The grade of “IP” (in progress) is assigned only in cases when it is expected that more than one semester will be required for course completion. All “in progress” grades must be resolved prior to graduation.


In a case where a student has a grievance regarding the validity of a final course grade, the student must first attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor, no later than fourteen calendar days after the first day of class of the following semester, spring or fall. If the instructor agrees, it is the instructor’s responsibility to fill out a Change of Grade Request, which must be approved by the instructor’s Department Chair, the Dean or designee, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost/VPAA). 

If the instructor does not agree to the proposed change and the student wishes to appeal, the student must fill out the Grade Appeal Form, which is available in all department and school offices, as well as from the Provost and VPAA Office. The form must be submitted to the instructor’s Department Chair no later than fourteen calendar days after the date of the instructor’s decision or within 28 calendar days of the beginning of the semester whichever is later. The Chair will consult with the instructor. If the grievance is not resolved at the department level, the next step is an appeal to the faculty member’s school, to be initiated no later than fourteen calendar days after the student receives email notification of the results of the departmental process. The final phase is an appeal to the Provost/VPAA, which must be initiated no more than fourteen calendar days after the student receives written notification of the results of the appeal to the school. Final authority in regard to changing grades rests with the Provost/VPAA. 

Once the process is initiated, and a Grade Appeal Form begun, it is the responsibility of each reviewing authority to review documentation forwarded by the previous reviewer, and notify all participants by email of the opportunity to present additional arguments and evidence regarding the validity of the grade; to inform the student by email of the decision; to identify the contact person for the next level of appeal; to sign/date the form, and to forward the form to the next level. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the next phase of appeal within fourteen calendar days of the date on which the reviewer’s email was sent. The student indicates her or his intention to appeal in a reply to the reviewer’s email. Expired forms – that is, where fourteen or more calendar days have elapsed since the last decision date – should be forwarded to the Provost and VPAA Office for collection and annual reporting purposes.

At the end of the process, the Provost/VPAA will instruct the Registrar to alter the grade if approved. The form and its accompanying documentation will be filed in the Office of the Provost/VPAA with a copy sent to the instructor of record.  At the end of each academic year, the Provost and VPAA Office will report, as an information item, the number of petitions received and the number approved, with a breakdown of the categories of grounds for petition. The report will go to Faculty Senate, Student Senate, and such entities as state regulations may require. 

The instructor’s grade shall not be changed unless there is clear and convincing evidence that the grade was invalid or was determined in an unreasonable manner or in violation of some other established ethical or legal rule. Reasons for invalidity may include, but are not limited to, errors in computation of the grade, application of standards not specified in the syllabus, or discrimination based upon factors irrelevant to academic standards (for example, race, gender or ideology). Instructors are entitled to the widest range of discretion in making judgments about academic performance consistent with accepted measurement/assessment standards of validity.


The course description indicates whether a course may be repeated for credit. The description indicates how many times or how many credits can be earned by successfully completing the course. If the course is not described as repeatable, a student may only count the course once toward degree requirements and credits earned.

If a course description indicates that the course may be repeated for credit, all attempts are counted in calculating the grade point average and all attempts may be used to satisfy degree requirements and credits earned.

If a course description does not indicate that the course may be repeated, only one successful attempt can be used to satisfy degree requirements and credits earned, but all attempts will be used in calculating grade point averages. The successful attempt with the greatest credit will be used in calculating earned hours.

Students who wish to enroll in a non-repeatable course for which they previously earned credit and earned a grade of D or better require an override from the Office of the Registrar. Students who previously earned a C or better and want to repeat the course must wait to enroll until after all students with 0 credit hours have had the chance to register for classes. Students who earned a D or an F may enroll as soon as they are eligible for registration.

Academic Standards


Truman’s undergraduate probation and suspension policy is based on the need for students to achieve minimum academic standards with a concern for the welfare of the individual student. In order to graduate from the University, students need at least a “C” (2.0) overall average in all the classes they have taken and at least a “C” (2.0) average in the classes they have taken at Truman. Additionally, some majors have higher cumulative GPA graduation requirements. Thus, students who consistently make low grades will not graduate.

In order to guide and to support students in meeting minimum academic requirements, the University has established that students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress are placed on probation. The following regulations determine a student’s probation or suspension status.


At the end of a fall or spring semester or summer term in which a student has obtained a semester GPA less than 2.0 and equal to or greater than 1.0, the student will be placed on academic probation.

At the end of a fall or spring semester or summer term in which a student has obtained a semester GPA less than 1.0, the student will be placed on academic probation and under contract (each contract is designed to meet the specific needs of each student).

If, while on probation or on probation under contract, a student receives a Truman semester GPA less than 2.0, and has a Truman cumulative GPA below 2.0, the student will be suspended from Truman State University. If, while on probation or on probation under contract, a student does not receive passing grades in at least 6 credit hours each semester or summer term, and has a Truman cumulative GPA below 2.0, the student will be suspended from Truman State University. If a student on probation under contract does not fulfill all terms of the contract, the student will be suspended from Truman State University.

A suspended student must wait at least one semester before petitioning to be reinstated, and the petition must include clear evidence of the student’s capability and commitment to succeed academically. If a student becomes eligible for suspension a second time, the student will be permanently dismissed from the University.

A student on probation will be removed from probation and placed in good academic standing at the end of a semester or summer term in which he or she has passed at least 6 hours at Truman with a semester, Truman, and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. A student on probation under contract must, in addition, have met all terms of the contract.


A student who believes that he or she had special or extenuating circumstances contributing to his or her poor academic performance has the right to appeal a suspension decision. The appeal must be in written form accompanied by supporting documentation, and be sent to the Academic Standards Committee, c/o the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


After one semester of suspension, a student may petition for reinstatement. The application must be in written form accompanied by supporting documentation, and be sent to the Academic Standards Committee, c/o the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, at least 21 days before the opening of the semester in which the student wishes to enroll. In evaluating a petition for approval, the Committee will consider evidence of academic achievement (transferable credit from another college during the suspension period), any activities or plans that may lead to improved scholastic performance, the student’s grade point average, reasons for poor academic performance, and extenuating circumstances.

If a petition is successful, reinstatement will include a contract which may specify, for instance, a minimum semester GPA that the student must achieve. A student who again becomes eligible for suspension after having been reinstated at Truman State University will be permanently dismissed from the University.

Withdrawal From School


Students are responsible for initiating withdrawal procedures for any semester or term for which they are enrolled. If a student fails to withdraw from the University officially, the grades earned for all courses will be entered on his or her permanent record.

Regardless of whether or not a student has attended any classes in the semester or term of withdrawal, the student should officially withdraw by completing the steps covered on TruView. Please choose “Withdraw from all courses for a selected semester” under the “My Registration” option to withdraw from a semester.

Students may withdraw from school until the last day of regular classes; however, the deadline for withdrawing without academic penalty is the last day to drop full semester courses. After this deadline, instructors will assign a W or WF in each course. If a student withdraws between the end of the fourth week and the end of the tenth week, a grade of “W” will appear on the transcript by each of the courses in which the student was enrolled. Check the Schedule of Classes or with the Registrar’s Office for exact dates.


Students wishing to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline for medical reasons must present a written appeal to the Academic Standards Committee c/o Associate Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (McClain Hall 203). The appeal must be accompanied by the following medical documentation:

  1. diagnosis of condition being treated
  2. date of onset
  3. date(s) of medical consultations
  4. why or how this condition affected the student’s academic performance

Appeals for medical withdrawals should be submitted as soon as possible once the student ceases attending classes, and in no case later than the beginning of the semester following the term for which the withdrawal is requested.

Enrollment fee refunds will be made in accordance with guidelines stated in the General Catalog under Return of Enrollment Fees (in the Fees and Financial Aid section of this catalog), and in the schedule of classes. Students who are pre-enrolled for an upcoming semester must officially withdraw from the University prior to the first day of classes to avoid any University fees.

A student who withdraws from all courses during a semester may re-enroll for the following semester without submitting an application for readmission to the Admission Office.

Academic Procedures



An undergraduate student who wants to change his/her major should complete a Degree Program and Advisor Update form on TruView.

Some majors require certain courses or grade point averages prior to accepting students into the major. Students should consult the appropriate major section of this catalog before submitting a Degree Program and Advisor Update form to ensure that they meet any requirements for entrance into their intended major.


An academic record (transcript) is permanently maintained for each student who enrolls at Truman State University. Transcripts ordered online cost $7 each and those ordered in the office cost $8. Transcripts will be issued by the Registrar’s Office upon receipt of the appropriate authorization, in accordance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. Partial transcripts cannot be issued.


Matriculated students have access to their academic records, including unofficial advising transcripts, accepted transfer credit, semester schedules, early progress reports and final grades via TruView, Truman’s web-based student information portal. Students who first matriculated to Truman in or after the Fall 2004 semester also have access to Truman’s automated degree audit system via TruView. Students are responsible for reviewing all academic information, particularly early progress reports and final grades, that are posted and distributed via TruView. Students are also strongly encouraged to use these services in consultation with their academic advisors to track their progress toward degree requirements.


The University academic year is divided into fall and spring semesters, a summer term, and December, May, and August interims. The summer term classes are generally of five or eight weeks in length. Interim session offerings are of three weeks or less in length. Admission to Truman may be effected at the beginning of any semester or term.


A student who believes that he or she had special or extraordinary circumstances may appeal an academic policy (i.e., deadline dates for adding/dropping individual courses, Credit/No Credit grading option, etc.). The appeal must be in written form, accompanied by supporting documentation, and be sent to the Academic Standards Committee c/o the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Appeals must be submitted as soon as possible, and in no case later than the beginning of the semester following the term for which the appeal is presented.


The date of the General Catalog by which credits are checked may not be more than five years earlier than the date of the issuance of the degree. A student may not be checked by a catalog dated earlier than the time of his or her entrance. If a student’s work is interrupted by required service in the armed forces, an extension of time will be allowed equal to the period of interruption.


Workshops and clinics are short, concentrated study experiences with unique purposes and objectives, examining content and issues not otherwise addressed in the curriculum, sometimes utilizing unique pedagogical experiences and techniques. Students interested in such workshops should examine the University website for a description of available workshops. No more than 6 credit hours earned through workshops may be applied toward undergraduate degree requirements.


The designation of class level is based on the number of hours earned to include hours transferred and credited:

Freshman 0-29 semester hours
Sophomore 30-59 semester hours
Junior 60-89 semester hours
Senior 90 and above semester hours