Sep 27, 2024  
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 [Archived Catalog]


  • SPAN 605G - Topics in Hispanic Linguistics

    The application of semantic, syntactic, morphological and/or phonetic analysis to advanced study of one or more topics of Hispanic linguistics as determined by instructor. May be repeated for credit on different topics.

    Prerequisite: BA in Spanish or BA in Romance Language. Romance Language BA’s must complete SPAN 364 prior to enrolling in this course.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (summer only)
  • SSTE 608G - Management of Instruction: Social Science

    Development of basic philosophical, planning, and implementation skills related to the design and teaching of history and social science concepts to secondary school students. This course is a direct preparatory experience for the responsibilities of the internship.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the MAE program.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • STAT 190 - Basic Statistics

    An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics with practical applications.

    Prerequisite: Completion of the Elementary Functions Essential Skills requirement.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Statistics Essential Skill of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: A student who has completed STAT 290 may subsequently enroll in STAT 190, counting both grades in grade point average, but receiving credit toward graduation only for STAT 190.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 286 - Introductory Readings in Statistics

    Introductory independent study in topics from undergraduate statistics courses.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 290 - Statistics

    An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics with practical applications and an introduction to probability including both discrete and continuous models.

    Prerequisite: grade of “C” or better in MATH 263.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Statistics Essential Skill of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 374 - Statistical Quality Control

    An introduction to statistical quality control including control charts, process performance, and total quality management.

    Prerequisite: STAT 190 or STAT 290.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • STAT 375 - ANOVA/Experimental Design

    Statistical inference for variances and for more than two means including one-way and multifactor analysis of variance and other experimental designs.

    Prerequisite: STAT 190 or STAT 290.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 376 - Nonparametric Statistics/Sampling

    Sampling and non-parametric statistical techniques.

    Prerequisite: STAT 190 or STAT 290.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 378 - Linear Regression/Time Series

    Simple and multiple linear regression, correlation, and time series.

    Prerequisite: STAT 190 or STAT 290.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 380 - Topics in Statistical Methods

    Topics in statistical methods. May be repeated for credit up to 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 486 - Undergraduate Reading in Statistics

    Advanced independent study in topics from undergraduate statistics courses. May be repeated for credit up to 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 487 - Topics in Statistics

    Selected topics in statistics. May be repeated for credit up to 6 semester hours.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 570 - Mathematical Probability and Statistics I

    Mathematical development of discrete and continuous distributions, expected values, moments, and measures of dispersion.

    Prerequisites: grades of “C” or better in both STAT 290 and MATH 264.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 570G - Mathematical Probability and Statistics I

    Mathematical development of discrete and continuous distributions, expected values, moments, and measures of dispersion.

    Prerequisite: grades of “C” or better in both STAT 290 and MATH 264
    Credits: 3 hours
  • STAT 571 - Mathematical Probability and Statistics II

    Large and small sampling theory, correction analysis, tests of hypotheses, and other aspects of statistical inference.

    Prerequisite: STAT 570.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • STAT 571G - Mathematical Probability and Statistics II

    Large and small sampling theory, correction analysis, tests of hypotheses, and other aspects of statistical inference.

    Prerequisite: STAT 570G.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • SWA 200 - Globalization and Poverty in South Asia

    The course introduces students to a service learning program that focuses on alleviating poverty through micro-finance projects in South Asia. A particular focus is the impact of the Grameen Bank on women.

    Co-requisite: ECON 347 Microfinance Institutions in South Asia, offered concurrently at Sewanee University.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
  • THEA 175 - Freshman Theatre Seminar

    Required introduction upon declaration of theatre major. Includes initial assessment and first portfolio project. One hour laboratory session each week.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 275 - Introduction to the Theatre Arts

    A general introduction to the art of theatre, surveying basic categories and structures of dramatic literature and theatre history as met by principles and problems of theatre production.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic: Fine Arts Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • THEA 276 - Stage Makeup

    Theory and practice in literary and character analysis, historical research, design and makeup application techniques for the stage actor. Lecture, demonstration and lab experience.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 277 - Acting I: Elements of Acting

    Introduction to methods of characterization, including theory and practice of Stanislavski; physical and vocal awareness and development; and scene analysis and performance. Two to three hours of laboratory experience each week.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 278 - Acting II: Advanced Scene Study

    Intensive training in comic, dramatic, and lyric scene performance. Four to six hours of laboratory experience each week.

    Prerequisites: THEA 277 and permission of instructor (by audition) and Department Chair.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 359 - Acting III: Lyric Performance

    Advanced studies in heightened performance styles. May include poetic language, verse, transatlantic dialect, acting Shakespeare, acting a song, or other explorations of lyricism. Two hours of laboratory experience each week.

    Prerequisites: THEA 278 and/or permission of Department Chair.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 370 - Solo Performance Seminar

    A laboratory exploration of solo performance art and autobiographical monologue theatre. In addition to weekly writing and performance assignments, this course requires extensive readings in performance art history, Feminist and Queer performance theory and surveys significant texts from the past 15 years of solo performance, including works by Anna Deveare Smith, Spalding Gray, and Karen Finley.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • THEA 371 - History and Literature of the Theatre I

    Integrated study of dramatic literature and theatre history from ancient Greece to the early Renaissance, examined in the context of important cultural trends of these periods.

    Prerequisite: THEA 275.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 372 - History and Literature of the Theatre II

    Integrated study of dramatic literature and theatre history from Renaissance to Romanticism, examined in the context of important cultural trends of these periods.

    Prerequisite: THEA 275.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 373 - History and Literature of the Theatre III

    Integrated study of dramatic literature and theatre history from Romanticism to Modernism, examined in the context of important cultural trends of these periods.

    Prerequisite: THEA 275.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 374 - History and Literature of the Theatre IV

    This course examines intercultural performances of the recent past, as well as the history and dramatic literature emerging from a variety of uniquely America perspectives: African American, Latino, Native Americans and Asian Americans. In addition, it explores issues relevant to creating, viewing and reading cross-cultural theatre.

    Prerequisite: THEA 275.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Aesthetic - Literature Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 391 - Stagecraft

    Scenery construction, painting, and varied methods of stagecraft, with direct application to academic theatre. Students participate as technical workers in current University productions. Six hours of laboratory experience each week.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • THEA 393 - Stage Lighting

    Theory and practice of theatrical lighting including basic electricity, equipment use, and design.

    Prerequisite: THEA 391.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • THEA 395 - Basic Costuming

    Introduction to the principles and practices of costuming; literary and character analysis; research in history of costume; translating and rendering into finished costume through pattern development; material selection and theatrical costume construction techniques. Lecture, demonstration and lab experience.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 399 - Theatre Practice

    Practicum experience in performance and/or technical production in association with current mainstage shows.  May be repeated up to six times for credit.

    Prerequisites: Theatre Major or Theatre Minor or permission of Department Chair.
    Credits: 1 hour
  • THEA 478 - Costume Design

    Historical trends and principles of theatrical costume design including rendering techniques.

    Prerequisite: THEA 395.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 480 - Scene Design

    Principles and practices of designing scenery for both commercial and educational theatre. Includes drawing, drafting and model work for production.

    Prerequisite: THEA 391.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 481 - Advanced Studies and Projects in Theatre

    Independent research, design, or theatre practice conducted on an individual contract basis between students and instructor. Studies/Projects may include such areas as playwriting, stage management, and mainstage design. This course may be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • THEA 485 - Internship in the Arts

    Internship with professional performing arts organizations, arts councils, commercial art departments, theatre groups, or other organizations where professional experience can be related to the student’s academic program.

    Credits: 4-12 hours
  • THEA 486 - Analysis and Evaluation of Internship

    Evaluation of internship experience shared by supervisor of organization where internship takes place, campus director, and the student.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
  • THEA 491 - Play Direction

    Basic theory, analysis and studio practice in stage direction. Each student will direct selected scenes in class, and a brief one-act play for public showcase. Following successful completion of this course, students are then eligible to apply to the Theatre Student Steering Committee to direct a full-length Student Laboratory production for the department’s second season.

    Prerequisites: THEA 276, THEA 277, THEA 391, THEA 393, THEA 395, and THEA 399.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • THEA 495 - Senior Theatre Seminar

    Assessment and portfolio completion for graduating theatre majors, including research into graduate study, internships, and résumé preparation. Two hour laboratory session each week.

    Prerequisite: Theatre major and senior status.
    Credits: 2 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • WGST 200 - Issues in Women’s and Gender Studies

    An introduction to feminist and gender theory pioneers, and an overview of how traditional academic disciplines might be critiqued from feminist and gender theory perspectives.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • WGST 220 - Survey of Women’s and Gender Studies

    A goal of this course is for students to know philosophical thinking on issues of special concern to women such as feminist ethics, sexism, female nature and sex rules, sex, love, marriage, sexual harassment, pornography, rape, abortion and preferential treatment (reverse discrimination). Students learn to argue orally and in writing about these issues.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • WGST 300 - Readings in Women’s and Gender Studies

    Interdisciplinary independent study on a focused WGST topic supervised by a WGST faculty member.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • WGST 400 - Capstone in Women’s and Gender Studies

    Interdisciplinary project supervised by women’s and gender studies committee. May be done individually as approved by WGST committee or in conjunction with any other course if approved by course instructor and WGST committee.

    Prerequisite: at least nine hours completed in WGST minor.
    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • XX 608G - Management of Instruction

    Development of basic philosophical, planning, and implementation skills related to the design and teaching of the concepts of the discipline specialty to secondary school students. The course is a direct preparatory experience for the responsibilities of the internship and is offered under a 608G number in each teaching specialty, e.g., ENG 608G (English), SCED 608G (Science), SSTE 608G (Social Science), and so on. Students are advised to check with their respective College or School for course availability and field experience requirements.

    Prerequisites: Minimum grade of “C” in ED 389 and ED 393. Minimum grade of “C” or concurrent enrollment in ED 593 and admission to the MAE Program.
    Credits: 3 hours

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