Sep 27, 2024  
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 
2011-2012 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2017 [Archived Catalog]


  • PHYS 145 - Physics Seminar

    This seminar, offered pass/fail, will serve as an introduction to the physics discipline, while focusing on an area of modern physics (such as relativity, chaos, cosmology, elementary particles, etc.). This course is for physics and engineering majors.

    Prerequisite: physics major or pre-engineering major.
    Credits: 1 hour
    When Offered: (fall only)
  • PHYS 185 - College Physics I

    College Physics I is the first semester of a year-long introduction to the fundamentals of physics, beginning with classical (Newtonian) physics. It requires extensive use of algebra and trigonometry, and pairs discussion of theoretical models with laboratory investigations of basic physical concepts. Students will learn about Newtonian mechanics, including rotational motion; momentum, energy, and the power of conservation laws; basic thermal physics and thermodynamic principles; and fluids.

    Prerequisite: MATH 186 or equivalent with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 4 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Scientific: Physical Science Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 186 - College Physics II

    College Physics II is the second and final semester of an introduction to the fundamentals of physics. Students will continue their exploration of classical physics and also learn about the revolutionary ideas of modern physics. The course requires extensive use of algebra and trigonometry, and pairs discussion of theoretical models with laboratory investigations of physical concepts. Students will learn about oscillations and waves, including basic wave and ray optics; electricity and magnetism, including circuits and electromagnetic induction; and modern physics topics such as special relativity, quantum physics, and nuclear physics.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 185 with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 4 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Scientific: Physical Science Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 195 - Physics with Calculus I

    This is the first of a two-semester introductory physics course sequence, using calculus, for anyone who wishes to learn basic physics at the level needed to pursue a career in physics, engineering, or a related area. Through the Physics 195/196 course sequence you will become familiar with most of the skills and concepts traditionally associated with introductory physics. Physics 195 covers three foundational ideas of physics: 1) Conservation Laws (momentum, energy, and angular momentum), 2) Newtonian mechanics (Newton’s laws, statics, coupled bodies, and circular, projectile and orbital motion), and 3) Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. Some of the history of physics, its technological, philosophical, and aesthetic aspects, and its place in the history of ideas will be explored. This course includes a laboratory component and a weekly recitation.

    Pre- or Co-requisite: MATH 198.
    Credits: 5 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Scientific: Physical Science Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 196 - Physics with Calculus II

    This is the second of a two-semester introductory physics course sequence, using calculus, for anyone who wishes to learn basic physics at the level needed to pursue a career in physics, engineering, or a related area. Through the Physics 195/196 course sequence you will become familiar with most of the skills and concepts traditionally associated with introductory physics. Physics 196 covers three foundational ideas of physics: 1) Electromagnetism, 2) Quantum Mechanics (including wave mechanics), and 3) Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics. Some of the history of physics, its technological, philosophical, and aesthetic aspects, and its place in the history of ideas will be explored. This course includes a laboratory component and a weekly recitation.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 195 with grade of “C” or higher and MATH 198 with grade of “C” or higher; Pre- or Co-requisite: MATH 263.
    Credits: 5 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Scientific: Physical Science Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 208 - Design and Drafting

    An introduction to the field of design-drafting as the language of a modern technological society, a graphic language which is as definite and separate as any other language. Emphasis upon the interpretation and visualization of graphic representations of engineering drawings. Includes a study of the basic theory and principles of computer-aided drafting and design.

    Credits: 2 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
  • PHYS 245 - Meteorology

    An introductory course which surveys the general principles and techniques of atmospheric science and introduces students to the atmospheric environment in which we live. Designed to give a better understanding of clouds, precipitation, air masses, frontal systems, jet streams, El Niño, weather forecasting, and our atmosphere in general. The course includes a laboratory component.

    Prerequisite: MATH 156 and MATH 157 with grades of “C” or higher, OR MATH 186 with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 4 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Scientific: Physical Science Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 250 - Modern Physics I

    An introductory course in relativity and quantum mechanics.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 196 and MATH 263, with grades of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 251 - Modern Physics II

    A continuation of PHYS 250. Introduction to the quantum mechanical description of atoms, molecules, nuclei, particles, and condensed matter.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 250 with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 275 - Vibrations and Waves

    Physical systems disposed to simple harmonic motion and wave phenomena are studied in depth.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 196 and MATH 263 with grades of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 320 - Electronics

    A strongly laboratory-oriented survey of electronic devices and circuits. Electronic test instruments; passive devices; transistors; operational amplifiers; logic chips.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 196 with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 330 - Nanostructures: An Introduction

    A technical course on the science of small scale structures offered to Truman students remotely as part of the Missouri Physics Collaboration.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 250
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 345 - Junior Seminar

    A review of physics and career orientation. Students will prepare and revise resumes and personal statements, seek letters of recommendation, and learn about career and graduate school options. They will then embark on a comprehensive review of their knowledge of physics, in the context of preparing for exams such as the senior test (MFAT) and GRE.

    Pre- or co-requisite: PHYS 251.
    Credits: 1 hour
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 346 - Astronomy II

    Stellar astronomy and cosmology.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 246 with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 380 - Optics

    Optics at the intermediate level, including geometrical optics, wave optics, and quantum optics.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 275 with grade of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 382 - Mathematical Physics

    A survey of mathematical methods commonly used in physics. Topics may include series, vector spaces and vector analysis, linear algebra, Fourier series and transforms, ordinary differential equations, special functions, partial differential equations, and functions of a complex variable.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 196 and MATH 263 with grades of “C” or higher.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 386 - Classical Mechanics

    Kinematics, dynamics of a particle, central forces, energy, and momentum. Lagrange and Hamilton’s Equations, dynamics of a rigid body.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 275 and PHYS 382 with grades of “C” or higher. Pre- or Co-requisite: MATH 365.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 388 - Advanced Laboratory

    Experiments in light, heat, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics.

    Pre- or co-requisite: PHYS 250.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • PHYS 391 - Internship for Physics Majors

    On-the-job field training in scientific fields. To complement the student’s academic education. Three hours only may be taken as part of restricted electives in the major.

    Co-requisite: PHYS 392.
    Credits: 4-12 hours
  • PHYS 392 - Evaluation and Analysis of Internship

    Encompassing research, analytical analysis, and evaluation of internship experiences.

    Co-requisite: PHYS 391.
    Credits: 1-3 hours
  • PHYS 441 - Physics Research I

    Individual study, under the close supervision of a faculty member, on an assigned problem. The goal of the research is to produce work of a quality which can be published in a professional journal or reported at a professional meeting. Requires the approval of the supervising faculty member.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course if taken for 3 credits.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 442 - Physics Research II

    A continuation of PHYS 441.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 443 - Physics Research III

    A continuation of PHYS 442.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 444 - Independent Studies (Topic)

    This course provides flexibility for students who are in need of or desire special coursework.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-5 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 445 - Advanced Physics Seminar

    Independent and in-depth investigation of a specific topic in physics or related to physics. This course serves as the capstone course for students in the Physics BA program.

    Prerequisites: grade of “C” or higher in PHYS 251, PHYS 275, PHYS 382, and junior or senior status.
    Credits: 1 hour
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 482 - Electricity and Magnetism

    A rigorous mathematical treatment of electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electrodynamics. Additional topics, such as radiation and special theory of relativity may be covered.

    Prerequisites: grade of “C” or higher in MATH 365, PHYS 275, and PHYS 382.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 486 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

    The fundamental ideas of thermodynamics and of statistical mechanics will be introduced and applied to classical and quantum systems. Topics include the meaning of temperature, work in thermodynamic systems, the Second Law of thermodynamics and its consequences, thermodynamic cycles, thermodynamic potentials, and the fundamentals of statistical mechanics using microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles.

    Prerequisites: grades of “C” or higher in PHYS 251, PHYS 275, PHYS 382, and MATH 264. Pre- or co-requisite: STAT 290.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 492 - Capstone Seminar

    This course represents a culmination to previously conducted in Physics in which students develop and deliver oral and written research reports.  this course also contains senior assessment such as the creation of the student’s senior portfolio, and it serves as the BS Physics major’s capstone experience.

    Prerequisites: A Completed research experience consisting of at least 3 credit hours from PHYS 441, PHYS 442, and/or PHYS 443 with a grade of “pass” or C or better OR an approved alternate research experience (such as a summer physics REU).
    Credits: 1 hour
    Note: This course will count toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 518 - Advanced Topics (Topic)

    An in-depth study of selected science topics presented under formal classroom organization (not intended for individualized study).

    Prerequisites: grades of “C” or higher in PHYS 251, PHYS 275, and PHYS 382.
    Credits: 1-5 hours
    When Offered: (spring only)
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 518G - Advanced Topics (Topic)

    An in-depth study of selected science topics presented under formal classroom organization (not intended for individualized study). The number of courses which will be taken will depend upon the student’s program and recommendation of the advisor and Dean.

    Credits: 1-5 hours (each topic)
  • PHYS 580 - Quantum Mechanics

    Quantum mechanics is the physics of the very small. A system is described using a wave function, which evolves in time according to the Schrödinger Equation. Students will learn to interpret the wave function and how to expand it in terms of states of well-defined energy. These techniques will be applied to various systems in one and three dimensions, and the concepts of quantized angular momentum, intrinsic spin, and identical particles will be explored.

    Prerequisites: grades of “C” or higher in PHYS 251, PHYS 275, and PHYS 382.
    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PHYS 580G - Quantum Mechanics

    Quantum mechanics is the physics of the very small. A system is described using a wave function, which evolves in time according to the Schrödinger Equation. Students will learn to interpret the wave function and how to expand it in terms of states of well-defined energy. These techniques will be applied to various systems in one and three dimensions, and the concepts of quantized angular momentum, intrinsic spin, and identical particles will be explored.

    Prerequisites: grades of “C” or better in PHYS 251, PHYS 275, and PHYS 382.
    Credits: 3 hours
  • PHYS 640G - Philosophy of Science Research

    Historical, descriptive, experimental and philosophical views of scientific research and research techniques are presented.

    Credits: 3 hours
  • POL 101 - Constitutional Government

    This course covers the provisions and principles of the U.S. and Missouri Constitutions, with a focus on civil rights and on how governmental institutions have evolved through history.

    Credits: 1 hour
    NOTE: This course meets the Missouri Statute Requirement.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 161 - American National Government

    This course covers the principles, organization, and functions of American national government. The role of public attitudes, voting and elections in shaping the behavior of that government are also studied. May be applied toward the Public Administration Minor.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course meets the Missouri Statute Requirement.
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Social Scientific Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 171 - Introduction to Political Science

    An overview of basic concepts, principles, approaches and methods of the discipline representing the social scientific mode of inquiry. Exposes the student to national, comparative, and international politics as well as political thought.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Social Scientific Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 230 - Model UN/Country Studies

    Students will prepare for the annual Model United Nations conference, where they will role-play diplomats from various countries represented in UN institutions. Students will learn about the history, structure, and functioning of the UN as well as the domestic and foreign policies of the countries assigned to Truman State. Countries will change from year to year. Students will gain insight into diplomacy and international negotiation as well as develop interpersonal and public speaking skills. May be repeated for credit. Additional fees required.

    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (fall only)
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 250 - Introduction to International Relations

    The national state system, national policies of great and small powers, and the rise of lesser developed states in a 20th Century context.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Social Scientific Mode of Inquiry and the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 251 - Peace and Security

    This course provides a broad introduction to the problem of peace and security in the contemporary world. The course will reach beyond the traditional definition of security and discuss several nonmilitary aspects of security, such as technology, the environment, and demographics change. Special attention will be paid to so-called “rogue” states and security concerns stemming from conflicts in the developing world.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Social Scientific Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 252 - Women, Gender, and Politics

    This course provides a comparative introduction to the role of women and gender in politics. The course includes descriptive material about the role women play in politics and addresses conceptual issues regarding gender and gender roles.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Social Scientific Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 262 - American State and Local Government

    This course provides an analysis of politics and government at the state and local levels. Topics include the study of governmental structures and processes, the nature of the political struggle at these levels, the political environment within which this struggle occurs, and major policy issues of concern today.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course meets the Missouri Statute Requirement.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 275 - Selected Topics in Political Science

    Selected topics in political science. The course may be repeated for credit as long as there is no duplication of topics.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 300 - Political Science Methodology

    The study of important political inquiry methods and approaches. During the semester the student plans and executes a limited research project.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • POL 315 - Principles of Comparative Politics

    Basic concepts, models, and methods used in comparative analysis, applying these in an introductory fashion to several different political systems.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Intercultural Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 344 - Principles of Public Administration

    Introduction to the nature and scope of public administration as a field of study and a major element of the American political process; consideration of the basic characteristics of formal organizations.

    Prerequisite: POL 161 or POL 262.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • POL 345 - Public Policy-Making

    Basic concepts, theoretical and methodological approaches used in public policy analysis; the factors, criteria, and processes involved in the formulation and implementation of public policy; major issues of public policy.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • POL 346 - Municipal Management

    This course examines public administration at the local level. It describes the challenges facing administrators, while also examining the connections with the larger environmental context and the framework of public administration. This course also focuses upon the tasks of municipal management and assists students in critically assessing the state of the practice.

    Prerequisite: POL 161 or POL 262.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 351 - International Organization and Law

    The principles governing states in their legal relations with each other and international organizations to which they belong.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 355 - Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa

    An overview of the major approaches, institutions, issues, problems, and trends essential to an understanding of the current politics of African nations south of the Sahara. Topics include the impact of colonialism, the problems of development and underdevelopment, the role of political parties and the military, and the role of Africa in the international system.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 357 - American Foreign Relations

    The formulation, content, and conduct of United States foreign policy.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 361 - Law and the Judicial Process

    The nature of the law, types of law, court structures, the adversary system, and the policy-making of the courts.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 362 - Public Opinion

    Explores the formation, content, and distribution of public opinion and its influence on the American political system. Methods of survey research are also covered.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 363 - Political Parties

    The origin and evolution of political parties together with analysis of their current roles in the political system and their possible future development.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 364 - The Presidency

    The Presidential Office, noting its changing nature and powers.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • POL 365 - Congress and the Legislative Process

    The functions, achievements, and limitations of the legislative branch of American government.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 366 - Interest Group Politics

    This course explores the major theories and concepts used to study group politics in the United States. Special consideration is given to the role of lobbyists and Political Action Committees in the political process.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 370 - Current Issues in Political Science

    Consideration of major domestic and international problems and their effects upon the American citizen. Special attention will be given to those problems and topics which are crucial at this time.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 371 - Constitutional Law

    The development of constitutional law as it relates to the relationships between the individuals and the government, as well as intergovernmental relationships.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 454 - Policy Analysis and Budgeting

    Budgeting and policy analysis in the administrative/bureaucratic setting; includes such topics as budgeting, leadership, decision making, and policy analysis techniques.

    Prerequisite: POL 344.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 460 - Senior Seminar in Political Science

    Overview of the most significant concepts, models, and methods used throughout the discipline. Designed as a capstone experience with some focus on readiness for the job market, professional training, or graduate school, as well as on preparation for the senior exam.

    Prerequisites: political science major and junior or senior standing.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • POL 461 - European Politics

    The governments and politics of the major European nations, with a stress on the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the former Soviet Union.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Honors Scholar Course.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 468 - Political Thought

    The great political thinkers from Plato to Marx. Emphasis on the origin and development of modern modes of political thought. (This course may also be counted toward a philosophy and religion major or minor.)

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: This is a writing-enhanced course.
  • POL 470 - Advanced Seminar in Political Science: A) Political Thought; B) American Government and Politics; C) Comparative Politics; D) International Relations; or E) Public Administration

    Substantive and methodological development of important subdivisions of political science.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 471 - Internship: Political Science

    On-the-job specialized training in fields generally accepted as needing political science field experience to complement the student’s academic training. Course is graded pass/fail. A special application procedure is required and must be completed the semester prior to starting the internship.

    Credits: 3-12 hours
  • POL 472 - Internship Evaluation and Analysis

    Research, evaluation, and analytical analysis of internship experiences. Prearrange one semester before enrollment.

    Credits: 1-3 hours
  • POL 489 - Readings in Political Science

    Selected readings in a specific subject in political science to be assigned by the instructor. Maximum 2 hours toward the undergraduate political science major.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 554 - Independent Studies: Political Science

    An opportunity for students to organize and conduct research projects of their own choice with the help of faculty supervision.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • POL 554G - Independent Studies: Political Science

    An opportunity for students to organize and conduct research projects of their own choice with the help of faculty supervision.

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-3 hours
  • POL 620G - The Politics of Sustainability

    This course will study the politics and policies of environmental sustainability. The focus will cover both domestic and international aspects of this issue, with a concentration on the role and actions of relevant institutions like the Congress, courts, bureaucracy, and international bodies; local and grassroots politics; social justice and sustainability; and the sustainability philosophies and perspectives of “radical” movements.

    Credits: 3 hours
    When Offered: (offered summer only)
  • PORT 101 - Elementary Portuguese I

    Introduction to the Portuguese language and its diverse cultural settings. Students will begin to develop elementary proficiency in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation and examine how these elements create cultural meaning. Emphasis will be on Brazil, but students will be encouraged to explore Portuguese elsewhere as well (Angola, Portugal, etc.). Three classroom hours per week plus two laboratory hours are required.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course and continuing course PORT 102 fulfill the Foreign Language Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PORT 102 - Elementary Portuguese II

    Continuation of PORT 101 leading to development of elementary proficiency. Three classroom hours per week plus two laboratory hours are required.

    Prerequisite: PORT 101.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: Successful completion of this course fulfills the Foreign Language Interconnecting Perspective of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 166 - General Psychology

    A survey of behavioral principles. Topics include human development, personality, learning and thinking, psychological testing, mental health, therapy, and social behavior.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course fulfills the Social Scientific Mode of Inquiry of the Liberal Studies Program.
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • PSYC 266 - Experimental Psychology

    Philosophy of science and the application of the scientific method in psychology, research ethics, nonexperimental and experimental designs, hypothesis development, between-subjects and within-subjects designs, small-sample studies, statistical analysis of research data, and drawing conclusions from research data.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 321 - Physiological Psychology

    This course examines the philosophy of science and the application of the scientific method in physiological psychology, functional neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, the chemical bases of behavior, hormones and the brain, life-span development of the brain and behavior, regulation and behavior, emotions and psychological disorders, and cognitive neuroscience.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 331 - Cognitive Psychology

    The course explores our current understanding of how people accomplish complex cognitive tasks. Emphasis is on research based on human information processing theories. Pattern recognition, attention, memory organization, language comprehension, problem solving, and decision making are among topics that are presented.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 332 - Child Development

    This course examines human behavior and life-cycle changes from conception through adolescence. Includes introduction to theories and methodologies necessary for studying the influences of heredity/maturation and the environment upon physical, social, and cognitive development.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 333 - Psychology of Personality

    Personality theory and research.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 334 - Applied Psychophysiology

    This course explores the two-way relationship between the mind and body. Students will review the philosophy of science and the application of the scientific method in psychology, and the science and technology underlying biofeedback and neurofeedback for health and improved performance. This course covers topics relevant to student wellbeing, including relaxation and stress management, and the entire BCIA General Biofeedback blueprint.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 335 - Motivation and Emotion

    This course covers physiological and psychological needs, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, goal-setting, expectations, the self, personality, psychodynamic and humanistic perspectives, and biological, social, and cultural aspects of emotion.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 340 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    This course introduces the major areas of I/O psychology, including selection, training, performance appraisal, motivation, worker attitudes, workplace and organizational design issues, and worker health and safety.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 366 - Psychology of Abnormal Behavior

    Causes, types, and treatment of psychological disorders.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 367 - Social Psychology

    Interactions between the individual and society; social attitudes, collective behavior, communication, and social solidarity.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
    NOTE: Some sections of this course are writing-enhanced.
  • PSYC 368 - Psychological Testing

    This course addresses the ways to describe and differentiate tests, how to evaluate a test, and the specific names and uses of commonly utilized psychological tests and measures.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 166 and (STAT 190 or STAT 290).
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 369 - Behavior Modification

    Recent research, theoretical advances in the field of behavior modification and its application to the modifying of behavior through systematic manipulation of response-contingent environmental consequences.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 370 - Human Sensation and Perception

    Current theory and research on the sensory systems and perceptual processes, emphasizing vision and audition.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 371 - Applied Psychology

    Application of scientific methodology to the resolution of problems in human behavior.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 373 - Learning and Memory

    This course will cover the theories and applications of both Pavlovian and operant conditioning and various models of memory. Both classic studies and modern research will be discussed.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 377 - Developmental Psychology

    Psychological, social, cognitive, and biological development from prenatal development through old age, death and dying will be covered from a theoretical and research-based framework.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 411 - Psychopathology of Childhood

    Classification systems for childhood psychopathologies, observation and identification methods, and therapeutic approaches applicable to childhood problems.

    Prerequisite: 9 hours in psychology.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 412 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology

    The study and beginning applications of the science, art and techniques of the professional clinical psychologist, including psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy.

    Prerequisite: 9 hours in psychology.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 429 - History and Systems of Psychology

    Major theoretical systems of psychology. Methodological problems of theory construction, system-making. Emphasizes integration of recent trends.

    Prerequisite: 9 hours in psychology.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 430 - Psychopharmacology

    This course explores how prescription and social drugs interact with the body and the brain, and covers sedative-hypnotic drugs, drugs used to treat psychological disorders, drugs that stimulate brain function, analgesic drugs and psychedelics, herbal medicines, and anabolic steroids. The course examines clinical decision making in prescribing drugs for psychiatric disorders.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 432 - Training and Development

    This course introduces the training and development issues in the workplace, including needs assessment, learning research, training methods, trainability and trainee attitudes, evaluation of training, legality, and employee development.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 166 and PSYC 266.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 436 - Evolutionary Psychology

    Evolutionary psychology is a field which integrates advances in cognitive science, evolutionary biology, and social psychology to explain human thought and behavior.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 437 - Attachment Theory

    This course examines infant-parent attachment theory as developed by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. This theory attempts to provide a framework for understanding how we develop a sense of self, how our first relationships develop, what implications they have on our future relationships, how parenting style and sensitivity affect children, and the intergenerational transmission of attachment security. Other issues include self-esteem, parental employment, daycare, temperament, social and school success, developmental psychopathology, and adult relationships across the lifespan. This upper-level seminar emphasizes in-depth discussions regarding research articles and writing.

    Prerequisite: PSYC 166 and (PSYC 332 or PSYC 377 or other as approved by instructor).
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 440 - Psychology of Human Consciousness

    This course will be an introduction to the scientific examination of the phenomena, evidence, and issues that relate to consciousness. Philosophical issues of consciousness will necessarily arise, but the focus will be on psychological concerns, including cognitive models of consciousness, neural correlates of consciousness, and abnormalities of consciousness such as blindsight.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 166 and PSYC 266.
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 441 - Research Practicum in Psychology

    Designed to familiarize further the student with the various phases of psychology research, as she or he gains intensive hands-on experience with study design, instrument selection and/or creation, empirical data collection, data analysis, formal presentation preparation, and/or manuscript writing.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 266 and permission of Department Chair.
    Credits: 0.5-3 hours
  • PSYC 444 - Cognitive Science

    Cognitive Science is a field which integrates advances in cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, and computer science to better understand and explain cognitive processes. This course specifically examines both classic and connectionist cognitive science perspectives through the tri-level hypothesis.

    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 445 - Positive Psychology

    Positive psychology is the study of how human beings prosper in the face of adversity. Its goal is to identify and enhance the human strengths and virtues that make life worth living and allow individuals and communities to thrive. This course will provide an introduction to positive psychology. It will examine the paradigm shift from pathology to strengths-based psychology. The course is designed to decrease stressors and enhance optimism and well-being.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 166 and PSYC 266
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
  • PSYC 446 - Romantic Relationships

    The class is a detailed description of human relationships, particularly friendships and romantic relationships. The class examines various theoretical perspectives and the nature and extent of empirical support for those perspectives. Application of these concepts to improve one’s own relationships is emphasized.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 166 and PSYC 266
    Credits: 3 hours
    NOTE: This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.

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