Mar 12, 2025  
2023-2024 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2029 
2023-2024 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2029 [Archived Catalog]

Applied Linguistics (BA)

Affiliation: School of Arts & Letters


Students in the BA Applied Linguistics/TESOL program learn to apply insights from the study of linguistics to complex social issues. In addition to obvious application in the field of education (in the teaching of English as a Second Language, the teaching of other languages and literacy, the development of specialized writing and speaking skills, and in testing and assessment practices), language policy and planning occurs on national and local levels, in various businesses and non-profit organizations. Applied Linguists advise on language issues, and further our understanding of linguistic discrimination as a social justice issue.

NOTE: No grade of ‘D’ in major courses is accepted toward a Linguistics degree. An overall cumulative GPA of 2.50 is required in the major.


  • Command of linguistic terminology;
  • Knowledge of linguistic theory;
  • Knowledge of previous scholarly work in linguistics;
  • Scientific treatment of data;
  • Analysis of data;
  • Sensitivity to linguistic diversity;
  • Connection of other academic areas and/or “real-life” areas of Applied Linguistics;
  • Effective written and oral communication skills.


Students whose major portfolio (compiled during the senior capstone seminar course) is deemed proficient in all outcomes and excellent in four or more, and who have at least a 3.50 cumulative GPA and a 3.70 GPA in the major at the time of graduation, are awarded Departmental Honors in Applied Linguistics, contingent on the successful completion of the capstone project. A student with a 4.0 major GPA may be awarded Departmental Honors with only three outcomes deemed excellent.


All Linguistics majors will develop their skills as speakers and as writers. In several of our required courses (including sequence of seminars and LING 414), the students learn how to find and ethically cite appropriate sources, and to follow APA style (which is the style required in most linguistics journals). Students will give both individual and group presentations in multiple LING courses. Our senior seminar capstone is both Writing- and Speaking-Enhanced. Every student completes and presents a capstone project (with the written report and oral presentation both completed in stages and responding to external critique prior to public presentation at the English & Linguistic Senior Seminar conference.


Dialogues Requirements: 42-61 Credits

Missouri Statute: 0-4 credits

Bachelor of Arts Requirement: 0-8 Credits

  • Intermediate proficiency in ONE foreign language.

Elective Courses:

Select additional LING courses to total at least 34 credits in the major.

Electives to Total: 120 Credits