Mar 02, 2025  
2010-2011 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2016 
2010-2011 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2016 [Archived Catalog]

Study Abroad

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Truman offers many opportunities for students to study abroad. Please see the Courses section of this catalog for Truman-sponsored course and program details.


With change being a constant in our lives, higher education takes on greater significance in preparing students to meet new and unexpected challenges. One challenge involves enriching the global perspective of the curriculum. Truman recognizes its responsibility to Missouri, the nation, and the world in preparing students who possess international understanding and potential for leadership. The University also recognizes that worldwide understanding is a characteristic of liberally educated persons.

Truman recognizes that boundaries between peoples, cultures and countries of the world are becoming less significant. Therefore, the realities and possibilities of globalizing the Truman curriculum at home and abroad will be explored. Expansion of foreign language and culture programs, additional exchange agreements with international institutions, increases in the number of international scholars and students coming to the Truman campus, and increases in the number of Truman students and faculty participating in study abroad programs are identified means of promoting international understanding.



Truman is continually trying to improve existing programs and develop new ones. Students are therefore encouraged to contact the Center for International Education to get the latest information on Truman study abroad programs. The Center will also provide information regarding how study abroad program credits can be applied to the core curriculum requirement, the foreign language requirement, or in some cases the major requirement. Since it takes a long time to plan and finance a study abroad experience, students are strongly encouraged to find out about these exciting opportunities early, perhaps in their freshman year. The Center for International Education is located in Kirk Building 114, telephone 785-4076 and e-mail


These programs are the most affordable of all study abroad programs; however, they are generally highly selective, often with very specific requirements, and taught in the language of the country at a local accredited institution of higher education. The following programs are sponsored either by International Student Exchange Program (I.S.E.P.) or by Truman State University. The cost to the student is the cost of his/her tuition at Truman State plus room and board in the host country and transportation to and from the host country. For specific information regarding these programs including the cost, please contact the Center for International Education.


Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Córdoba; Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires; and Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires. All classes are taught in Spanish.


Curtin University, Perth; Deakin University, Victoria; University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba; University of Canberra, Canberra; Macquarie University, Sydney; RMIT University, Melbourne. All classes are taught in English.


Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz; Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, Graz; Technische Universität Graz, and Universität Salzburg, Salzburg. All classes are taught in German.


Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Fundaçao Armando Alvares Penteado. All classes are taught in Portuguese.


Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario and University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia. All classes taught in English.
Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario. Classes are taught in English and French. Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops.


Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso; Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta or Coquimbo. All classes are taught in Spanish.

People’s Republic of China – Hong Kong Administrative Region

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin. Classes are taught in Cantonese, Mandarin, and some English.

Costa Rica

Universidad Nacional de Heredia, Heredia. All classes are taught in Spanish.

Czech Republic

Masaryk University in Brno. Classes are taught in Czech and some English, French and German.


Aalborg University, Aalborg. Most classes are taught in English.


Tartu University, Tartu. Classes are taught in Estonian, some courses in Russian and English.


The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Republic of Fiji. All classes are taught in English.



  1. Åbo/Turku Consortium, Turku/Åbo and University of Helsinki, Helsinki. Classes are taught in Finnish, Swedish, and English.
  2. University of Joensuu, Joensuu; University of Kuopio, Kuopio; Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta; Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo; University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä; University of Oulu, Oulu; University of Tampere, Tampere; and Tampere University of Technology, Tampere. Classes are taught in Finnish and English.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Angers: Centre International D’Études Françaises, all classes taught in French - culture, linguistics, and teaching.

Université De Droit, D’Économie et Des Sciences D’Aix-Marseille (Aix-Marseille III), Arepic Consortium, Amiens; Université d’Angers, Angers; Université De Caen, Caen; Université De Franche-Comté, Besançon; Université De Grenoble II (Université Pierre Mendès France), Grenoble; Université Du Havre, Le Havre; Université De Lille III (Charles de Gaulle), Villeneuve d’Ascq, Lille; Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Lyon; Université du Maine, Les Mans; Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III), Montpellier; Université de Nantes, Nantes; Université de Nice (Sophia Antipolis), Nice; Université de Rennes II (Haute-Bretagne), Rennes; Université de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne; and Université de Savoie. All classes are taught in French.

French Overseas Department-La Réunion

Université de La Réunion, La Réunion. All classes are taught in French.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, a program for business students taught in German, some courses available in English.

Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Zu Braunschweig, Braunschweig; Universitat Dortmund, Dortmund; Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Eichstätt; Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Geißen; Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg; Universität Trier, Tarforst; Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld; and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover. All classes are taught in German.


The University of Ghana, Legon. All classes are taught in English. Because of ongoing strikes at universities in most African countries, students should inquire whether or not the program is being offered at the time of application.


Debrecen, Technical University of Budapest, Budapest. Classes are taught in Hungarian, some courses in English.


University of Iceland, Reykjavik. Classes are taught in Icelandic and some English.


University of Hyderabad.


Sponsored through Truman State University
University of Genova. All classes are taught in Italian: Italian language, economics, political sciences, literature, history.

Università Degli Studi Di Pavia, Pavia, and Libera Università Degli Di Urbino, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. All classes are taught in Italian. Università degli Studi di Trieste.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Hosei University, Tokyo. Classes are taught in Japanese and English - Japanese language, Japanese culture, Japanese economy, Japanese history, Japanese politics.

Chukyo University, Kansai Gaidai University, Hirakata, Nagoya. Classes are taught in Japanese, some courses in English. Kansai, Gaidai University, Hirakata. Asian Studies Program, including Japanese language. All other classes are taught in English. Toyo University, Tokyo. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.

Republic of Korea

Ajou University, Suwon; Keimyung University, Taegu; Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul; Korea University, Seoul; and Yonsei University, Seoul. Classes are taught in English and Korean.


The University of Latvia, Riga. Classes are taught in Latvian, Russian, German, and English.


University of Malta, Msida. All classes are taught in English.


Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. All classes are taught in English.

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterey (ITESM)
Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mazatlón, Ciudad de Mexico, Querétaro, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), Guadalajara; Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato; Universidad de Monterrey, Monterrey; Universidad La Salle, Mexico City; Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Puebla City; and Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey. All classes are taught in Spanish.

The Netherlands

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam; University of Groningen, Groningen; Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam; University of Leiden, Leiden; Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht; Catholic University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen; Tilburg University, Tilburg; and Utrecht University, Utrecht. Classes are taught in Dutch, some courses in English.

New Zealand

Massey University. All classes are taught in English.


Universidad Americana, Managua. All classes are taught in Spanish.


Bodø University College, Bodø.


Wroclaw University.


Universidade Lusófona de Humanidadese Technologias.

South Africa

University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. Classes are taught in English and Afrikaans.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Universidad de Deusto, San Sebastián. A program for business students taught in Spanish, some courses available in English.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Madrid; Universidad Pública de Navarra-Pamplona, Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga; Universidad de Murcia, Murcia; Universidad de Vigo, Vigo; Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid. All classes are taught in Spanish.


Karlstad/Örebro Consortium, Luleå University, Luleå; University College of Southern Stockholm, Stockholm; Mälardalen University, Västerås; and Växjö University, Växjö. Classes are taught in Swedish and English.



  1. Université de Fribourg, Fribourg. Classes are taught in German and French.
  2. Université de Lausanne, Lausanne. Classes are taught in French.
  3. Universität Bern, Bern. Classes are taught in German and some English.


Thammasat University, Bangkok. Some courses are taught in English, others in Thai.

United Kingdom

Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, Dorset, England; The University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, England; University College, Chester, Chester, England; University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England; Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland; University of Plymouth, Plymouth, England; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland; University of Sunderland, Sunderland, England; University of Ulster. All classes are taught in English.


Universidad Católica de Uruguay, Montevideo. All classes are taught in English.


Some programs are not offered every semester.


C.C.I.S. Program (College Consortium for International Studies)
Universidad De Belgrano, Buenos Aires. This program is meant for students ranging from no Spanish language skills through advanced Spanish skills. It combines language instruction with either a closed curriculum offered in English or a wider curriculum of liberal arts courses offered in Spanish especially for international students. Students with advanced fluency also have the option of taking regular classes as direct enrollment.


AustraLearn (Sponsored by the U.S. Center for Australian Universities)
This consortium offers a choice of 15 sponsoring universities from which to choose programs. All courses are open to students, provided they meet the prerequisite for the courses. These universities have Colleges of Architecture, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Economics and Commerce, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Health Sciences, Music, Nursing, Science, Mathematics, and Humanities. Australian Studies are also available at Bond University (sponsored through Truman State University and the College Consortium of International Studies), and Macquarie University, Sydney. A semester or year-long program at one of the two private universities is available. Students take two to three courses in humanities, history, Australian studies, computer science, law, or business.

C.C.I.S. Programs
University of Newcastle, Callaghan; Macquarie University, Sydney; Bond University, Gold Coast; Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne. Students may study for a semester or a year taking classes taught in English.


C.C.I.S. Program
Salzburg College, Salzburg. This program begins with a one-week academic field trip through Germany. The program is focused on European civilization and contemporary issues, along with language competency. Several areas of concentration are offered, including European Studies, Communications, International Business, Studio Art and Photography, and Music Performance.


C.C.I.S. Program
Galen University, San Ignacio.
Galen University, San Ignacio. Classes in anthropology and archaeology. Students will learn concepts and techniques and then apply them in a field setting. Students will have at least 25 field days in which they will be actively involved in excavation; preparing, photographing and cataloguing finds; preparing grids; and visiting major Maya sites in Belize (caves, temples, house sites). Instruction will be in English.


C.I.E.E. (Council on International Educational Exchange)
University of São Paulo, São Paulo. This program offers required courses in the Portuguese language and Brazilian Studies, as well as other regular courses offered at the University of São Paulo. Because all courses are taught in Portuguese, students are required to have two years of college-level Spanish or Portuguese or one year of both. Academic year students have the option of spending the spring semester at the Universidade Federal da Bahia in Salvador.


C.C.I.S. Program
University of Veliko Turnovo, Veliko Turnovo. The academic program provides an immersion in Bulgarian culture and language, as well as the opportunity to gain hands-on experience as an English instructor. Students take courses in Bulgarian culture and language, and also take part in a work/study program which allows students to earn 12 credit hours. Students receive a salary for their work which is the equivalent of a middle-range salary for full-time faculty members in Bulgaria.


C.C.I.S. Program
L’École de Langue Française et de Culture Québécoise of the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. French language study at all levels. Courses at each level analyze the French language from the perspective of syntax, phonetics, and communicative competence. Courses such as Language and Civilization and Québec Culture are also offered. Students will live with French-speaking families.


C.C.I.S. Program
Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. This is an ideal program for students who wish to perfect their Spanish language skills and gain a greater understanding of Chilean culture. Taught entirely in Spanish, must have 6 semesters of college-level Spanish, or the equivalent. A language placement test is required upon arrival.


C.C.I.S. Program
Nanjing University, Nanjing. This program offers 12-15 hours of study in the Far East. English courses are available in Chinese culture, history, and geography in addition to courses taught in all levels of Mandarin Chinese.

Costa Rica

C.C.I.S. Programs
Centro Lingüístico CONVERSA, Santa Ana, San José. Academic program centered on Spanish language. No previous study or knowledge of Spanish required as students are given placement tests and put in appropriate level of study. The program is offered in 4-week cycles and class size is no more than 4 students each.
Universidad Veritas, San José. Spanish language study, offered at all levels, offered in 4-week cycles. Semester courses that are taught in English may be offered in Arts and Humanities, Environment and Society, Introduction to Ecology, and Introduction to International Business. Includes excursions to museums and other cultural and historical sites as part of the program.

Czech Republic

C.C.I.S. Program
Anglo-American University, Prague. Liberal Arts courses in business, humanities, and legal studies. Taught in English by Czech and international faculty.


C.C.I.S. Program
Denmark’s International Study Program (DIS), Copenhagen, Denmark. Courses at DIS are taught in English by Danish professors. DIS offers intellectually challenging academic programs in Humanities and Social Sciences, Politics of the European Union, International Business and Economics, Architecture and Design, Child Development and Diversity, Marine Biology and Ecology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Medical Practice.

Dominican Republic

C.C.I.S. Program
Pontificia Universidad Càtolica Madre y Maestra, Santo Domingo. The languages of instruction are English and Spanish. The program provides an opportunity to study the Spanish language, offers culture classes and internships.


C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. Universidad Càtolica de Santiago de Guayaquil, Guayaquil. The principal language of instruction is Spanish although cultural courses on Latin America are taught in English. The purpose of the program is to enable students to develop Spanish language skills in an intensive format, and to learn, first hand, about issues and trends in Latin America. Advanced students of Spanish can take regular courses in journalism, law, education, engineering, etc. Another program places an emphasis on history, literature, and area studies of Latin America, and is offered in Spanish. Laica University also offers an intensive Spanish program for Truman students. Our students can fulfill the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree in one semester.
  2. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito. Offers a wide array of courses taught in Spanish according to proficiency level. Intensive language courses in Spanish are also available.


Sponsored through Truman State University

  1. Missouri/London Program at Imperial College, London. A program offering a variety of subjects including economics, history, political science, philosophy, management, and a required course in British life and culture. Regular excursions are scheduled throughout the British Isles and continental Europe. Taught by Missouri and British professors.
  2. Truman State University internship program in London. Internships available in business, journalism, and government. The program is run in conjunction with the CAPA London Center in London.

C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. Kingston University, Kingston. All students take “British Culture and Society” and also three or four additional courses in the areas of Human Sciences, Science, Technology, Design, or Business. All classes taught in English.
  2. Foundation for International Education, London. Students choose from 1 of 3 “pathways”: Internship Pathway, Service Learning Pathway, or Research Pathway. Field trips, guest lectures, site visits, and other activites are integrated into all FIE courses.
  3. Edge Hill College, Ormskirk, England. Located one-half hour from Liverpool, Edge Hill College offers an excellent academic program in a rural setting. The college consists of five schools: management and social science, humanities and arts, sciences and technology, teacher education, and health studies.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Catholic University of Angers, Angers. Intensive French language instruction is available for students at all levels of French study. In addition, all courses at the University are available to students who are fluent in French. Truman students can fulfill the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree in one semester at the Catholic University of Angers.

C.C.I.S. Programs
The Institute for American Universities sponsors programs in the following locations:

  1. Aix-en-Provence. The Institute for American Universities offers two programs in Aix-en-Provence.
    1. A program in French language, civilization, and literature is available and is designed for students fluent in French. Courses are available in language, art history, international relations, history, geography, psychology, philosophy, economics, government and politics, education, European literature, international law, international trade, and studio art. French and English are the languages of instruction.
    2. Marchutz School of Drawing and Painting. Students can share experiences with professional artists and amateur painters in Paul Cezanne land. In addition to art classes, students may take courses in French and other disciplines.
  2. Institut Français d’Annecy et de Chambéry, IFALPES. All students take written and oral placement tests and are placed in appropriate  language classes focused on grammar, syntax, comprehension, written skills, and oral expression. Cultural activities in the form of workshops allow the students to practice French regularly. Excursions, visits, lectures, and sporting activities take place outside classroom hours.
  3. L’Institut pour les Affaires et la Gestion (IPAG), Nice. The academic program at IPAG is designed for students with a background or interest in business. French language and culture, Intercultural Management, Management Development, and European Economic Environment courses are offered as well as additional business courses.
  4. Institut de Préparation à l’Administration et à la Gestion (IPAG) Nice, France. Courses are offered in French language and culture, Intercultural Management, Management Development, and European Economic Environment.


Sponsored through Truman State University
University of Munich, Munich. Junior Year in Germany Program. This German program offers a selection of courses in language, literature, history, art history, natural sciences, geography, sociology, theology, philosophy, linguistics, music theory, speech, and political science for students with a junior or senior status. All courses are taught in German, thus intermediate proficiency in German is required. The duration of the program is a year term only.

C.C.I.S. Programs
The Collegium Palatinum, Heidelberg. Eight-week intensive German language program. Direct foreign language methodology is combined with state-of-the-art audio visual equipment.

Studien forum Berlin, Berlin. Students take one German language course and elect three liberal arts subjects (taught in English). A non-paid internship completes the program. This program is offered in the fall semester only.


Sponsored through Truman State University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Northwest Missouri State University
The University of Ghana, Legon. A semester program led by a faculty member from one of the sponsoring Missouri institutions. All courses will be taught by faculty members from The University of Ghana. Students will be housed in dorms at The University of Ghana. The emphasis of the program is on African studies, more specifically on West African cultures and languages.


Sponsored by Truman State University and four other Missouri Institutions, located in Athens. Courses are taught in English, core curriculum of modern and ancient Greek culture and civilization, students take Arts, Archaeology, Anthropology, Sports, Ritual and Myth, and Modern Greek I and II.

C.C.I.S. Program
Anatolia College, Thessaloniki. This program offers intense language and culture instruction. Study topics include both modern and ancient Greece. Weekend excursions and home-stays with Greek families help students explore the cultural and social aspects of Greece.


C.I.E.E. Program
Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music, Kecskemét. The Institute where students live and study together attracts musically-gifted students from all over the world. The program is offered only in the fall.


C.C.I.S Program
The Centre for American Education (CAE), Bangalore, India. Indian art, history, culture and language courses offered.


C.C.I.S. Programs
University College Galway, Galway. The academic program focuses on history, language, humanities, and social science. Offerings in the sciences are available to Americans on a case-by-case basis. English is the language of instruction.
Maynooth College, Maynooth. Students may select courses from the general curriculum of Maynooth. Courses are available in the following disciplines: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
The University of Limerick, Limerick City. Concentrates on business and European and Irish studies. English is the language of instruction.


C.C.I.S. Program

  1. The American University of Rome, Rome. Offers programs in international business and Italian civilization and culture. Students are required to take an Italian language course; however, English is the language of instruction.
  2. Scuola Lorenza de’Medici, Florence. Offers programs in Italian civilization and culture, Italian language, studio art, and art history. Except for Italian language courses, English is the language of instruction.
  3. Scuola Lorenzo de’Medici in cooperation with the Instituto Zambler, Venice. This program parallels the program offered in Florence. The number of courses offered in English is more limited than in Florence, but students have choices in the areas of language, history, sociology, arts, and regional humanities.


C.C.I.S. Program
KCP International Language Institute, Tokyo. Intensive Japanese language and Japanese culture.


C.C.I.S. Program
Centro Internacional de Idiomas, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG). Seven levels of Spanish are offered, from beginning to advanced. Students with advanced Spanish knowledge may enroll directly in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences and Technologies, and Health Sciences courses.


C.C.I.S. Program
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane. Classes are offered in the areas of history, social science, philosophy, fine arts, mathematics, computer science, management, communication, engineering, natural and physical sciences, and Islamic civilization. Classes are taught in English.

The Netherlands

C.C.I.S. Program
Middelburg Center for Transatlantic Studies (MCTS) is located at Roosevelt Academy (RA), an Honors College of the University of Utrecht in Middelburg. Courses are offered in Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences and Science and MCTS students are welcome to enroll in RA courses.

New Zealand

C.C.I.S. Program
University of Waikato, Hamilton and University of Canterbury, Christchurch. Academic disciplines including the following areas. Waikato: Arts and Social Sciences, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Education, Law, Maaori and Pacific Development, Waikato Management. Canterbury: Arts, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Forestry, Law, Music, Science, Social Work, Speech and Language Therapy. Classes taught in English.


C.C.I.S Program
The Instituto Peruano de Publicidad (IPP), San Isidro. Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of Spanish are offered through the Center for Language at IPP. Students also have the opportunity to take Peruvian culture classes.


C.C.I.S. Program
Centro de Linguas, Lisbon, Oporto, Faro. This program is located in three different cities in order to give students a choice of which city to study in or to divide their time in each. Studies include language courses and a wide array of humanities courses including Portuguese literature, modern Portugal, and Portuguese art history. Portuguese is the language of instruction.


C.C.I.S. Program
Moscow Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences, Moscow. This 15-week program begins with a one-week orientation during the first week of the program and includes learning experiences designed to involve students personally and actively with people and their language, history, art, traditions, and attitudes. Curriculum offered includes intensive Russian, history, political science, art and music appreciation, and music. No prior knowledge of Russian is required.


Sponsored by Truman State University at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. There are five academic faculties: Arts and Social Science, Education, Engineering Science and the Strathclyde Business School. Students can choose from over 50 majors within these divisions.

C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. University of Dundee, Dundee. Academic disciplines including Politics, History, Geography, Economic Studies, Mathematics, Psychology, English Literature, Environmental Science, American Studies, Design, Fine Art, Architecture, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Civil/Electronic/Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Applied Computing.
  2. University of Sterling, Sterling. Main areas of study include Accountancy, Biological Sciences, Business and Management, Computer Sciences, Economics, English Studies, Environmental Science, Film and Media Studies, History and Scottish History, Marketing, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology and Sports Studies.


C.C.I.S. Program
Institute for International Studies and University of Seville, Seville. Courses offered include Spanish, business administration, international business, and liberal arts courses. The program also offers a sophisticated program of Spanish literature, history, and culture conducted by native professors. English and Spanish are the languages of instruction.


C.C.I.S. Program
Franklin College, Lugano. Academic disciplines including Art History, Political Science, International Business, Economics, International Management, Literature, and Foreign Languages. Classes taught in English.

Truman State University is affiliated with the Council on International Educational Exchange (C.I.E.E.). Students have access to 40 countries with 45 subject areas. Study in business, natural or social sciences, and humanities.


Some programs are not offered every summer.


C.C.I.S Program
The Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires. Program consists of four-week intensive studies. Spanish language courses offered from beginning to advanced levels.


C.C.I.S. Program
Bond University, Gold Coast. Academic disciplines in many areas, including Native Studies, Business, Language, Law, Psychology, Philosophy, and others. Classes taught in English.


C.C.I.S. Program
Salzburg College, Salzburg. Academic disciplines including German Language (all levels), Introduction to European Art, Introduction to International Business, Introduction to International Relations, Studio Art: Printmaking, Music Performance. Classes taught in English.


C.C.I.S. Program
Galen University, San Ignacio. Classes in anthropology and archaeology. Students will be in the field actively involved in excavation; preparing, photographing and cataloguing finds; preparing grids; and visiting major Maya sites in Belize (caves, temples, house sites). Instruction will be in English.


C.C.I.S. Program
University of Veliko Turnovo. International Seminar on Bulgarian Studies: Language, Folklore, Ethnography, History, and Literature.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Laval University, Québec City. Students have a choice between two eight-week programs from May-June or July-August. This is a French program in language, culture, history, and civilization of Québec. Although the language of instruction is French, no prior knowledge of French is required.


C.C.I.S. Program
Shanghai University, Shanghai. Academic disciplines include Business in Contemporary China and Intensive Beginning or Intermediate Survival Chinese Language. Classes taught in English.

Costa Rica

C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. Centro Lingüístico CONVERSA, Santa Ana. Intensive Spanish language at all levels. Homestays and three meals per day included, lodging on campus in Santa Ana also available.
  2. Universidad Veritas, San José. Seven-week program in Spanish language and literature, all levels. Introduction to Tropical Ecology. Students are housed in homestays.

Czech Republic

C.C.I.S. Program
Anglo-Americka Vysoka Skola (AAVS), Prague. Disciplines including Business, Humanities, and Legal Studies. All courses are taught in English.


C.C.I.S. Program
Denmark’s International Study Program (DIS), Copenhagen. Programs in Humanities & Social Sciences, International Business & Economics, Architecture & Design, Child Development & Diversity, and Nursing in Scandinavia.

Dominican Republic

C.C.I.S. Program
Courses in Spanish language, culture.


C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. Laica University, Guayaquil and Polytechnical School of the Coast, Guayaquil. Spanish language at all levels, including the option of intensive studies, as well as other courses taught in English. The program includes field trips and excursions.
  2. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito. Courses in Latin American Culture and Civilization, Tropical Ecology, Spanish, Latin American Literature, People of the Andes, Art in Hispanic Quito. The program includes excursions.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Missouri/London Program located at CAPA Center, London. Courses change every summer and are taught mostly by faculty members from Missouri institutions, offering courses in business, journalism, law, literature, and history.

C.C.I.S. Program
Kingston University, Kingston. Academic courses include British Culture and Society, Modern British Social and Economic History, and Shakespeare: Order and Disorder. Classes taught in English.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Catholic University of Angers, Angers. This four week program is an intensive French program, and thus, no prior knowledge of French is required. This program is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. Aix-en-Provence. A program in French language, civilization, and literature is available and is designed for those who have not studied French or whose French proficiency is limited. Courses are available in language, art history, international relations, history, geography, psychology, philosophy, economics, government and politics, education, European literature, international law, international trade, and studio art.
  2. Institute Français des Alpes (IFALPES) in Chambéry and Annecy. These are intensive French language programs and students are housed in homestays.
  3. Ecole Supériure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers (ESSCA), Angers. This four-week program includes two weeks in Angers and one-week seminars in both Paris and Brussels. Students live with host families while in Angers and hotels while in Paris and Brussels.


C.C.I.S. Program
Collegium Palatinum, Heidelberg. Intensive German language program. Two eight-week summer sessions.


C.C.I.S. Program
American College of Thessaloniki. Courses offered in Art History, Anthropology, English, European Studies, Greek language, History, Finance, Marketing, Politics, Psychology, Computer Science, Math.


C.C.I.S. Program
Centre for American Education (CAE), Bangalore. Courses include Introduction to Indian History, Fundamentals of Indian Art, Indian Music, Introduction to Religions of India, Foreign Language (Indian Languages Hindi/Sanskrit/Tamil/Kannada), Community Services/Social Work, Indian Styles of Dance, and Hindu Mythology.


C.C.I.S. Program

  1. National University of Ireland, Galway. Academic disciplines including Irish Studies, Irish Language, International Writers Course, Education in Ireland. Classes taught in English.
  2. University of Limerick, Limerick. The University of Limerick offers summer study in Irish Studies: Irish Life and Literature, Ireland – Gateway to Europe, and Between Boston and Berlin.


C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. The American University of Rome. Two four-week sessions are available. The program offers courses in Italian civilization and culture and in business.
  2. Scuola Lorenzo de’Medici, Florence. Four- and eight-week sessions are available in humanities/studio art as well as in intensive Italian language.
  3. Lorenzo de’Medici, in affiliation with Istituto Venezia. Course offerings are Intensive Italian Language at all levels.


C.C.I.S. Program
KCP International Language Institute. Course offerings include Intensive Japanese (beginning through advanced) and Japanese Culture and Civilization.


Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). Course offerings in administration and social sciences, agricultural and food technology, architecture, engineering, computer science, humanities, management, medical sciences, sciences, Mexican culture, Mexican business and Spanish. Spanish is the language of instruction.

C.C.I.S. Programs

  1. Centro Internacional de Idiomas, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. This is a Spanish language and culture program and students are housed in homestays with Mexican families.
  2. Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG). Students take intensive language courses offered in four week cycles.


C.C.I.S. Program
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane. This is an Arabic Language and Culture program for 8 credits in which students live in on-campus residence halls.

The Netherlands

C.C.I.S. Program
Middelburg Center for Transatlantic Studies (MCTS) is located at Roosevelt Academy (RA), an Honors College of the University of Utrecht in Middelburg. Two four-week sessions are offered. Courses change each summer.


C.C.I.S. Program
Moscow Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences. The program is open to students at any undergraduate level with a 2.5 GPA, and students typically receive 9 credits. Course offerings include Russian Language and Culture.


C.C.I.S. Program
University of Dundee. A specific course for science majors interested in pursuing a career in medicine, dentistry, or a health-related field. Six weeks of teaching including human anatomy with a special workshop in facial reconstruction, physiology, osteology, and embryology. Includes ground-breaking research in health-related fields; cancer biology, molecular medicine, and drug discovery.

C.C.I.S. Program
University of Stirling. CCIS students can take two, three, or four courses over a four or eight week block. Courses include Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Psychology, History, Business, Nursing and Healthcare in Scotland.


C.C.I.S. Program
Institute of International Studies and the University of Seville, Seville. Courses in Spanish Language & Culture and Society of Spain are offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors in English and Spanish. However, no prior knowledge of Spanish is required for this 4-week program.


C.C.I.S. Program
Franklin College, Lugano. Academic disciplines including Art History, Political Science, International Business, Economics, International Management, Literature, Foreign Languages. Classes taught in English.



C.C.I.S. Program
Laica University, Guayaquil. This summer or semester-long program requires a GPA of 2.5 and three letters of recommendation. Areas of study include international business, commerce, banking, hotel administration, aquaculture, and archaeology/anthropology. Language of instruction is English.


Sponsored through Truman State University
Missouri/London Program, London. Unpaid internships in Journalism (special application process) and other selected areas. Students must be juniors or seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or above and will be required to take the British Life and Culture class and one other class in addition to the internship.


Sponsored through Truman State University
French Teaching Assistant Program. The French Ministry of Education and the Cultural Services at the French Embassy offer teaching assistant positions in French primary and secondary schools and in Instituts Universitaries de Formation des Maîtres (IUFMs) in all regions of France.

C.C.I.S. Program
IPAG - School of Management, Nice. The 16-week semester is open to students from all undergraduate levels who have at least a 2.75 GPA. For students who plan to stay for more than one semester, there are internship possibilities.


Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Budapest. A semester or yearlong study abroad and internship experience for sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a 2.75 GPA. Study areas include political science, economics, business, history, and Hungarian language. Internships in business, economics, journalism and sciences are available. No prior knowledge of Hungarian required.


C.C.I.S. Program
Moscow Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences. This is a semester or yearlong study abroad and internship program for juniors and seniors with a minimum of 2.75 GPA. There are studies in Russian language and internships in business, banking, and journalism. No prior knowledge of Russian required.

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