Feb 06, 2025  
2008-2009 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2014 
2008-2009 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2014 [Archived Catalog]

Special Academic Programs


McNair is one of the six TRIO programs funded by the US Department of Education to provide educational opportunity and support to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who demonstrate academic potential. The McNair Program at Truman State University seeks to increase the number of first-generation college and low-income students and students from underrepresented groups in higher education who eventually obtain doctoral degrees. In addition, McNair Scholars participate in research, mentoring, and other scholarly activities. Scholars participate in a pre-research internship during their sophomore year and a ten-week summer research internship during their junior year. During their senior year, the focus is on graduate school placement. They also receive assistance in graduating from Truman and enrolling in graduate school, as well as support in the completion of doctoral studies. McNair Scholars are matched with faculty mentors who assist them in achieving their individual post-baccalaureate educational goals. Truman’s McNair Program meets the social, financial, academic, and informational needs associated with gaining entry into and completing doctoral programs and addresses the nation-wide underrepresentation of its target groups in graduate programs.


Truman’s New Student Programs (formerly called the Residential College Program) bring the intellectual vitality of the University inside the residence halls. For centuries, residential colleges have been places where faculty and students join together in pursuit of the liberal arts. Through its affiliated faculty, professional staff, facilities, and sponsored activities, the New Student Programs promote a public liberal arts experience which is personally engaging to all members of the community. Truman established two residential colleges a decade ago to encourage learning in every facet of a students life and as a life-long habit. The expanded Residential College Program (RCP) inaugurated in 1999-2000, and changing its name to New Student Programs in 2008, ensures that all Truman freshmen and most on-campus upperclassmen share in the benefits afforded by a living/learning emphasis.

A team consisting of a Head Academic Advisor and Academic Advisors provides residentially-based academic advising for all freshmen students and undeclared students at Truman. The advisors work closely with faculty in the academic departments to provide a solid foundation in major programs while offering developmental academic counseling in the liberal arts. All resident students have access to the academic support services offered by this advising team. Whatever the needs may beregistration, tutoring, skills or career workshops, or referrals to facultyall may be brought directly to the New Student Programs professional staff located in the residence halls. The New Student Programs advisors offer:

  • Group and individual academic advising
  • Advice on academic regulations and procedures
  • Course registration planning and approval
  • Liberal Studies Program workshops
  • Liaisons with University offices and academic departments
  • Liberal Arts career counseling
  • Study skills workshops
  • Time management workshops

Curricular and Co-curricular Programs
In a variety of ways, the New Student Programs support expanded and enriched learning opportunities for members of the residential community. Select sections of Liberal Arts and Sciences Program courses are taught by faculty in the residential classrooms, bringing living and learning together in a new way. The residential setting often promotes greater personal comfort and group cohesiveness in class and a greater willingness to participate in discussion, facilitates out-of-class small group activities and supplemental instruction, and heightens satisfaction with the teaching and learning process for students and faculty alike. In addition, the New Student Programs offer two eight-week long, one-credit courses graded pass/fail.

Co-curricular programming in the residence halls benefits from collaboration between the University faculty, Residence Life staff, and students. While developmental, social, and recreational programming is typically sponsored by the Residence Life Program, oftentimes initiated by the Student Advisor, New Student Programs activities are focused on expanding students’ cultural, intellectual, and public awareness. All-College banquets, “swing” dances, a Holiday Market for charity, International Week events, film series, panels and discussions with faculty, foreign language tables, fine arts performances, and speakers series are examples of some typical offerings. A highlight of each semester is a Night of Great Conversation where students, faculty and staff come together to discuss issues of mutual interest. Since students generate and help to carry out some of these programs, residents hone leadership skills while following their interests.

The New Student Programs courses are listed in the “Courses” section of this Catalog under the INDV (Interdivisional) heading.


The Scholastic Enhancement Experience (SEE) Program is an opportunity for incoming freshmen from underrepresented communities to get a head start on college life during the summer before they begin the fall semester. During a five-week summer session, SEE scholars have a chance to attend classes for credit along with cultural activities, workshops, counseling and advising to help them prepare for the transition to college life. Each spring, up to four current Truman students are chosen to serve as mentors for the SEE scholars. For more information on employment opportunities or the program in general, contact the Multicultural Affairs Center in the Adair Building, (660) 785-4142, or the Admission Office in McClain Hall 205, (660) 785-4114.