Feb 09, 2025  
2015-2016 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2021 
2015-2016 General/Graduate Catalog - Expires August 2021 [Archived Catalog]


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First-Time Students


Although applications for admission are considered on a rolling basis, candidates are encouraged to submit a complete application and resume/activity list by December 1 to maximize the potential for scholarship consideration.

Applications received after December 1st are still considered for admission, but may not be eligible for review in all scholarship selection processes.


Admission to Truman State University is based on a student’s high school curriculum, with a college preparatory course of study carrying greater weight; high school grade point average and rank; standardized test scores (ACT, SAT); special abilities, talents or achievements; and an original essay.

Under guidelines for highly selective institutions from the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education, the students who receive the strongest consideration for admission to Truman have a 140 combined ability. The combined ability is determined by adding the high school class rank percent to the national percentile on the ACT or SAT college entrance exam.

Students applying for admission are required to complete 16 high school units, including four units of English and language arts, three units of mathematics (four units strongly recommended), three units of natural science, three units of social science/history, two units of foreign language (the same language), and one unit of fine arts. (A unit equals one year of high school work.)

The following is an academic profile of Truman’s fall 2014 freshman class:


Class Rank

Test Score

Upper 10%:



80 - 89%: 



70 - 79%:



60 - 69%: 



Below 60%:




Average grade point on 4.0 scale   3.76
Average test percentile      87
Average enhanced ACT test raw score  27.07
ACT mid-range 24-30

The University reserves the right to deny admission to applicants who have criminal convictions showing moral turpitude. Under University policy, Truman State University does not knowingly enroll a student who is unlawfully present in the United States.

Students who have participated in dual enrollment programs and/or those who have earned prior college credit are required to have official transcripts sent from all colleges and universities through which credit has been attempted. Official transcripts for incoming freshmen and new transfer students must be sent to the Admission Office prior to matriculation at Truman.


Students who desire to discontinue high school before graduation and attend the University must meet specific criteria. They must have a minimum of 16 high school units of credit, submit letters of recommendation from a high school counselor and principal or superintendent, and show an academic record which reflects readiness for college-level work. Admission is contingent upon approval by the Admission Committee.


Persons who have passed the GED (or HiSET) test must submit a copy of the high school equivalency certificate and a transcript of their high school academic record up to the point of leaving school. They must also take the ACT, and their scores must meet the standard established for the admission of entering freshmen. Missouri residents who are at least 16 years of age who are out of high school are eligible to take the GED (or HiSET) test. Sixteen year olds from Missouri who have successfully completed 16 units toward high school graduation who have written permission from the superintendent or principal of their last school are also eligible to test. Non-resident students should seek information about the GED test through their own state department of education, since requirements vary slightly from state to state.


Students with diagnosed learning disabilities apply and are considered for admission to the University in the same manner as any other applicant and must meet the same admission standards. Applicants may submit scores from a non-standard (e.g., extended time) administration of the American College Test (ACT) to be used in evaluating credentials for admission.

Transfer Student Admission


Students who have earned previous college credit from other accredited institutions may apply for admission to Truman State University. To be considered for admission, transfer students must submit official transcripts of all previous colleges attended and an admission essay. Applicants who have earned fewer than 24 semester credits (36 quarter credits) of transferable post high school college credit at the time of their application for admission must also have their high school transcript, ACT or SAT scores sent for review.

Applicants receive individual consideration by the Admission Committee. Students must demonstrate a preparedness for study at Truman based on cumulative academic record, including grade point average in transferable college credit and strength of college curricula. Under University policy, Truman State University does not knowingly enroll a student who is unlawfully present in the United States.

Transfer students whose only college credits are those earned from a non-accredited institution are considered for admission based upon their high school academic records and their college entrance examination score(s).

A transfer applicant who is on academic suspension from any other college or university, or who has been academically suspended more than once from such a college or university, is not admitted to Truman.

A transfer student who has been academically suspended from his or her previous college is eligible for consideration when he or she would be eligible to return to the school from which he or she has been suspended.

The Admission Committee screens all applicants with respect to previous social conduct. In those cases where questionable conduct may be indicated, an inquiry is made with the Dean of Student Affairs of the college from which the transfer student comes. The University reserves the right to deny admission to applicants who have criminal convictions showing moral turpitude.

Students transferring credits from other recognized colleges or universities receive advanced standing for transferable courses credit for credit. However, it should be recognized that credit accepted from another institution may or may not be applicable to specific degree programs. The University reserves the right to make the decision regarding applicability.

Credit attempted from another institution becomes part of the permanent record of the student and affects the GPA of the student for admission purposes.

Post-baccalaureate credit from other institutions is recorded on the student’s transcript only when such work is acceptable in an advanced degree program at Truman State University.

It is recommended that transfer students apply for admission a minimum of 60 days prior to the start of the semester to ensure adequate time for the admission and registration processes. Students transferring from other colleges and universities who wish to be considered for scholarships should have their applications and official transcripts on file by March 15 for the fall term and by November 1 for the spring term. Official transcripts must be sent directly from each college and university attended to the Admission Office at Truman State University. The transcripts must indicate that the student is in good standing. Failure to reveal attendance at any institution could make the student liable to dismissal.

Transfer students must meet the same residence requirements for a degree from Truman that apply to all students. (See Graduation .)


Admission to the athletic training major is competitive and selective. Students interested in majoring in athletic training must complete an application process that is separate from the University’s application for admission. Students who indicate athletic training as their major area of study on the University’s application for admission are provisionally admitted to the athletic training major for the first semester. During their first semester in the major, students must complete the application process. The number of students admitted to the major is limited, therefore, students who have completed the application requirements are not assured acceptance into the athletic training major. Applications for the athletic training major are due by November 1. Applicants are selected for admission based on completion of all the admission requirements included in the application packet, recommendations, University grade point average, performance in the prerequisite courses, evaluations by Clinical Instructors, previous experience, and a written essay. Specific admission criteria are listed below. The admissions committee reviews all applications and selects the best overall candidates. Admission decisions are announced by November 21. Students not admitted must formally choose another major, but may re-apply to the athletic training major the following year. Transfer students must follow the same application procedure as all current Truman students. Transfer credit generally is not granted for athletic training courses. All transfer credit is determined by the Office of the Registrar and approval by the Athletic Training Program Director. Application packets can be obtained by writing to the Director of the Athletic Training Education Program or by viewing the ATEP website at http://www.truman.edu/majors-minors/athletic-training-major/.


Admission to the BFA Creative Writing program requires either 1) Grade of “B” or above in ENG 204 Creative Writing and submitting a letter of application to the Department Chair, or 2) Submitting both a creative writing sample and letter of application to the Department Chair.


Prior to declaring a major in music, each student must perform for a committee of the appropriate studio faculty in order to determine that the student has reached a sufficiently advanced level of applied proficiency. While a personal audition is highly recommended, in cases where such is not possible, a recording of the student’s performance is accepted. All transfer students are also subject to placement examinations in theory and music literature.


Admission to the nursing major is dependent on the number of spaces available and individual evaluation of the student’s application by the Nursing Admissions Committee.

Applicants to the nursing program must be accepted by Nursing in addition to being accepted to the University. A special “Application to Nursing” and a summary of career goals must be completed and sent directly to Nursing. The application deadline for admission to the nursing major is January 15 of each year.

Transfer or change of major students must meet current nursing academic requirements as part of the admission process (minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA). Qualified students may petition for advancement on a space-available basis.

International Student Admission


An international student is defined as any applicant who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States, or who has two years or less experience with the American educational system, regardless of immigration status. All international undergraduate student applicants must comply with the guidelines and policies listed below.

Under University policy, Truman State University may not enroll a student who is unlawfully present in the United States. All students must provide proof of lawful presence in the United States prior to enrollment.

Minimum application requirements for international students include:

  1. Official TOEFL score of 79 or above on the Internet-based TOEFL (550 or above on the paper-based TOEFL) or the equivalent as deemed appropriate by the University on the SAT, ACT, IELTS or other standard measure of English and academic ability.
  2. Official results or transcripts, in English, for all secondary school coursework, pre-college preparation coursework and college or university-level coursework.
  3. The International Student Application for Admission.
  4. The Certificate of Financial Support with supporting bank documents.
  5. A two-page essay.

To obtain and maintain course registration for the semester, the international student must complete the following requirements:

  1. Complete the Truman English Placement Test(s) immediately upon arrival on campus.
  2. Enroll in the English support course(s) indicated by the outcome of the Truman English Placement Test(s).Please note that English support courses must be taken “for credit”. The courses are not offered “Pass/Fail” and may not be changed to “Credit/No Credit”.
  3. Pay tuition and fees IN FULL the first week of each semester.
  4. Purchase the University approved health insurance plan.
  5. Make any deposits or prepayments required by the University and the Center for International Students.
  6. Know that all students are responsible for maintaining their legal immigration status.
  7. Undergo the required TB testing upon arrival on campus.
  8. Attend the required international orientation and registration.
  9. Comply with University housing policies.
  10. Attend Academic Mentoring sessions weekly through the CIS.